
Sunday 30 December 2012

Gales again today....

.... and lots more rain....sigh.... bored with this now!  Fortunately I can stay safe and warm indoors.  Yesterday was bright and sunny and I was out again with my trusty camera taking a few photos...till the battery ran out - arrgh!  Above - the Hoy Hills take from the other side of the island, looking across Burra Sound.

And the hills I usually take photos of from my front door - this time a little closer....

I was down at the shore at high tide, with the waves running up the old Sandside pier

The wee flock of birds resting in the winter sun on top of the pier are ringed plovers....

They didn't seem bothered by my presence, nor the fact that Button was with me. Though they would have taken flight had she run up to them I'm sure! They're not THAT relaxed!

This old wooden boat is floating well - um.... yes it's full of water!

It was quite breezy and after my camera battery failed I headed back home. Button was relieved as she doesn't like her fur ruffled too much by the wind. She got home before me....

She then helped me later in the afternoon while I tried to catch up on some filing..... hmmm.... "help" is maybe not the right word.....


  1. Your comment about gales reminded me of an actress from my childhood. Her stage name was Gale Storm.

    1. LOL! I've not heard of Gale Storm. I'll have to look her up on google!

  2. Happy New Year to you, Button, Charlie & the chooks. Hope the wind dies down soon.

    1. Thanks Lyn. It's been a bit breezy but at least no gale..

  3. Lovely photos, but I've made myself all cross and jealous peeking in here! We're often in Orkney for Christmas, but this year we're not, and looking at your gorgeous pictures is reminding me what we're missing!

    Still, gales and rain here too, so I can close my eyes and pretend... :) Happy new year!

    Jenni x

    1. Ooh Jenni - do let me know next time you are in ORkney. You must come out to Graemsay! Or we could meet on Mainland for a cuppa!

  4. Lovely photos! But sadly looking at them has made me all grumpy and jealous - we're often in Orkney for Christmas, but couldn't make it this year, and looking at your gorgeous pictures is reminding me what we're missing!

    Still, it's cold and windy and rainy here too, so if I close my eyes I can imagine...

    Happy new year!

    Jenni x

  5. Love the plovers, and Button in the filing cabinet! I can almost feel the bright cold sun and that relentless wind in your photos. Stay warm this Hogmanay!

    1. Staying warm is always a top priority for me ;-) Hope you had a lovely Hogmanay and New Year too!

  6. Sorry about the gales, Sian, but at least you've sen some blue sky. We may (fingers crossed) see some here tomorrow and actually be able to get out for a walk. Happy New Year!

    1. Hope the weather improved and you managed to get out for a walk too. I just love getting SOME fresh air each day in the winter -though sometimes it's just a quick dash to feed the hens and barn cat

  7. I remember Gale Storm. Guess that makes me old. Sigh ... How far does Button walk with you ? I love the photo of her in your filing cabinet. Stay warm.

    1. Hmmm never heard of her. Must look her up on google. Button would probably come quite a distance but I try and avoid the road which, though not busy, does have traffic on. I fear she might get startled or whatever and dash across. But she'll come round the beach with me and across the fields. I suspect as she's quite a bold cat as well as curious and companionable that she'd come as far as I wanted to go!

  8. Hope all's less gale force now. Happy New Year (PS love the chicken and cat photo)

    1. Happy New Year to you too! Yes less gale force for now... I just make the most of the calmer times!
