
Friday 21 December 2012

Winter Solstice....

We seem to have survived the Apocalypse forecast by the Mayans..... I did leave out some carrots for the horses of the four horesmen just in case, but carrots were still there this morning so I'm guessing they didn't come!

Anyway it's the Winter Solstice - my favourite day in Winter as it's the shortest day and slowly but slowly the light will begin to return and we are on our way to SPRING!  Whooooo Hoo!!!!

I'll share with you an old YouTube video shot in December 2010 of the Winter Solstice. I've shared it before but it is worth repeating. It shows the sun setting behind the Hoy Hills and the moon rising above Stromness.

Enjoy! (And apologies to those of you who have trouble view video....sigh).


  1. nIce video :) yes days will become longer and longer ,time to enjoy the end of the year :) Happy chrismas :)

    1. Happy Christmas to you and yours too! Ooh yes bring on the longer days!

  2. Enjoyed the video, and I really like your attitude, "we're on out way to Spring.

    1. Yes we ARE on our way to Spring - ya hear me gales??? We're on our way to Spring whatever you do!! LOL!

  3. I'll watch it when I get to DS's where broadband works properly, Sian. In the meantime, I too am celebrating the fact that tomorrow's daylight will be longer than today's. :-)

    1. Just managed to watch it, Sian - lovely. It reminded me just how snowy that December was!

    2. Glad you managed to watch it. I do feel badly about posting videos as I know several readers have slow "broadband". At the wind gets up again I could almost wish for the return of snow...almost! Hope you are OK and not troubled with floods?

  4. What a lovely place you live !

  5. Such a lovely video. I'm reposting it on my blog. Thanks for the treat!

    1. It is very atmospheric isn't it. Glad you liked it and am sure your readers will too!
