
Thursday 7 February 2013

Stormy days!

Graemsay is still here, we didn't get overwhelmed by the waves! Phew! That was some storm. Winds over 80mph, a gust of over 113 mph recorded just along the coast. Sunday night was the worst, and Monday was quite "blowy" too.  I didn't venture further than the barn and hen house to feed Charlie (barn cat) and hens respectively. It was relatively sheltered near the hen house so they were pottering about outside a bit, but not venturing far - sensible birds!

The photo above is of the Graemsay ferry - um - it was taking the kids to school! Yes they still went! We are relatively protected from the Atlantic waves, being sheltered by Hoy and West Mainland at the entrance to Scapa Flow. And in a Westerly our pier is also relatively protected. Anyway folk will pay good money to ride on something like this at a fairground ;-)  They breed 'em tough in Orkney. All the kids were fine and got home safely (there are contingency plans in place if the boat is cancelled once the children are at school).

These photos were taken by Sean Lewis, cameraman and sound engineer, who lives out at Birsay on the Orkney Mainland.  They really show the power of the natural environment. These cliffs are REAL cliffs that are being topped by the waves! So, many thanks to Sean for allowing me to share these great photos with you all. (Click on them to see bigger images).

The gull in this powerful shot really gives perspective.

Hmmm surf's up!

Cliffs out at Birsay

Glad I wasn't atop these cliffs!

Thankfully things have calmed down today. It's eerily calm and quiet. A lovely respite from the wailing banshee that has been living outside my bedroom window for the last few days.  And Button is delighted to be able to go ahunting again.  Trust me, you do NOT want to share a house with a cat with cabin fever....

The island phones are finally restored too, internet access was largely OK but a bit flaky so I'm glad that is OK again.


  1. Wow , Sean Lewis' images are stunning !

    1. They are amazing aren't they! They really capture the power of the waves...

  2. I'm glad the winds have died down too, and blue skies this morning too :)
    Mum lives in stromness and she watched your ferry coming and going across the sound, imagining the captain as some old sea dog saying "aye lads its a bit choppy but lets go" or something similar lol

  3. Crikey, Sian! those waves are terrifyingly large. Glad to hear you survived the storm unscathed. Let's hope that's the last for a while.

    1. Yes I'm glad we were a bit more protected here!! They would have swamped our wee island!!

  4. What spectacular photos - and how very small and wimpish I feel for moaning when our weather is bad, even though it doesn't compare with conditions where you are!

    1. Well most parts of the UK have been experiencing extreme weather in one form or another this last year. It's all relative!!
