
Wednesday 27 February 2013

We all love SUNSHINE

I think this has been the best "February" for years!  OK yes we've had some gales, but we expect those in February.  We've also had some glorious weather, beautiful, mystical misty days, and SUNSHINE! It's amazing how it lifts the mood. I already feel I have more energy.

Button, of course, adores the sun (as you can see in the picture above).  Her snoozing spots vary throughout the day and follow the pattern of the sun through the house.  Till the sun sets and the moon rises and she becomes a Warrior cat and is out hunting!  This week with the full moon and clear skies she has been in her element. Fortunately (so far) no presents left for me......

And lambing has started!! These twins were a little shy......

A walk on the beach was called for yesterday to make the most of the stillness and sunshine.  I love the variety of seaweed along the shore.

And the shells too among the coral sand.... (yes I have a speck of dust on the lens of the camera...sigh... I need my camera guru to help sort this out....).

Meanwhile over in Stromness, barges are queueing up as dredging begins for the new pier which is being built for the "renewable" industry. Lots of research and development going on around Orkney waters into wind, tidal and wave energy. Lots of windmills appearing around Orkney (quite controversial in this low lying landscape) and wave and tidal power, though still in their infancy, are also appearing around the shore.


  1. Your sunshine has been very noticeable on the weather forecast maps, Sian, whereas we've spent almost all of February shrouded in cloud. I think you must have had all our sunshine. :-) I can't remember a longer period of gloomy, grey weather with so little sunshine. It's been going on for months.

    Love your photos, especially of Button luxuriating in the warmth of the sun.

    1. Hope March brings you better weather?

    2. Well, we've seen the sun a couple of times, but it forgot to bring any warmth with it. :-)

  2. Lovely photos of Button. I've just been posting photos of my cats trying to stay out of the heat - I can't wait for autumn!

    1. They were gorgeous photos - and gorgeous cats! You can have Autumn any time you like - we'll keep the sun this side then ;-)

  3. it's amazing the difference to how you feel when the sun shines. I love a good storm when I am safe and sound indoors but the sunshine lifts the spirit somehow, what a wonderful day for walking along the shore. How do you feel about the wind turbines in your area? I think I prefer them out to sea rather than on land, I have been told they are very noisy up close.

    1. Yes sun really lifts the spirits. As to wind turbines - the small domestic ones near houses aren't too bad, but the bigger ones really dominate the low landscape here. Like you I would prefer them out to sea. But as the Scottish Government has a big push on renewable energy targets I don't suppose that will happen as it's cheaper to put them on land...sigh...

  4. Do they actually have power being generated by tidal power there ? We are in the exploratory stages. Last year's test run wasn't successful as the powerful Fundy tides bent the blades on the generator !

    Our February has been far colder than usual.

    1. It's experimental but I think they do have a couple of sites working, same with wave energy. But on very small scale and still "research". And um, yes I think it depends where they are placed, and how robust they are to deal with storms!

  5. Cats and sunshine. I can always depend on finding my lot in the lounge of an afternoon sunning themselves before the big window there.

    1. Oh yes - cats love sunshine! Well any heat source really! Thankfully Button has yet to realise I have an electric blanket ;-)

  6. How wonderful for you all on the isle. We are having an amazingly sunny summer so we badly need rain!

    Zebby is now an elderly man-cat so he spends most of his time on the bed. He is managing an almost daily sunbathe where he adopts his "almost sphinx" pose ..... until he overheats and comes back inside for food, water and cuddles on the way back to His bed. I am permitted to join him there overnight.

    Fingers crossed for a good, sunny March for you, Madam Button, Barn-Kitty-Cat and all the Chooks, from Zebby Cat's human, Michelle

    1. I love ZebbyCat in his sphinx pose! Glad you are permitted to join him on the bed overnight! My old Fitzicat once evicted me from the bed - I woke up on the floor! Thankfully Button is more accommodating. Take care and lovely to hear from you again!
