
Saturday 30 March 2013

Of gardening and cake...

...and hens and Button, of course...  Today has been another glorious day. It's unusual for the weather to be better than the rest of the UK.  But while many parts of the country are struggling with ice and snow, or grey skies and wind, we have blue skies, sunshine and warmth in the sun!  I was even gardening today in just TWO layers! In MARCH!  And no coat, hat or scarf!!  Extraordinary. And I'm making the most of it as I know the weather will change soon.  Meanwhile, I do spare a thought for those struggling under grey skies and snow..... honestly I do....

Anyway, this weekend I've been making the most of being outdoors and have started tidying up the garden after winter.  With hard frosts overnight it's still too early to plant out young plants and seedlings but I can turn over the soil at least, and cut back and clear borders.  Of course all this activity is accompanied by the hens....

And supervised by Button.... She's standing on the anti-hen, anti-cat's working well!

Cat's are just SOOOO curious!

I think she was hoping to be wheeled back to the house for dinner.... NO chance!

Meanwhile, after a little light digging, and lunch, it's time for a dust bath...

While I marvelled at the delicate flowers of pulmonaria (lungwort) just opening. This specimen was shipped in from Kent.  It's done surprisingly well!

And then it was time to retire to the house for Cake!  Coffee and walnut to be precise. Made this morning before venturing forth into the garden....

Mmmmm the best way to end a lovely day. And tonight the clocks go forward for British Summer Time!


  1. Do you plant peas in your garden ? I gather they can be planted as soon as the soil can be dug.

    1. OOoh yes I plant peas. I usually get the dwarf early variety. They are a bit tricky to grow in Orkney and we don't usually plant them here until late April. They do OK but not as good as south... Sugar Snaps do better.

  2. So nice to see someone outdoors, enjoying the weather. Actually the sun is shining here as well, but the air is still chilly. Button is a sweetheart. I like the picture of her peering into the wheelbarrow, then sitting in it.

    1. Oh Button is a real hoot as a companion. She always makes me laugh or smile. It's gradually warming up here - even though we had warm days we had frosty nights. Now the frosty nights have gone (till Winter we hope!) and the temperature is slowly climbing now.

  3. A Blessed Easter to you and your family.
    Coffee and cake and flowers - I am so ready for Spring ;>)
    I enjoy visiting your blog - thanks for sharing.
    St. Louis, Missouri

    1. Welcome! And sorry to be so late in responding to your comment. I do love receiving comments! I'd offer you a piece of the cake but it's all gone now ;-)

  4. I don't grudge you your sunshine and warmth, Sian, honestly I don't. :-) In fact we've had sun for some of today and the snow is definitely starting to thaw, but it's still very cold and not a flower in sight. That cake looks yummy!

    1. HOpefully you now have daffs in full bloom and Spring in the air?

    2. We do indeed, thanks. :-)

  5. I'm amazed at your pulmonaria being through already. No sign of mine down here in the tropical Central Belt.

    1. I am surprised to see it in bloom already. It's not in a particularly sheltered spot, especially as any wind has been from the East directly upon it. But it seems to be doing well!
