
Monday 27 May 2013

Archaeology in Orkney.....

The saying goes "Scratch the surface in Orkney and it bleeds archaeology". So it's time for the summer "digs" again.  My favourite, the Ness of Brodgar, doesn't begin till July, but there is an exciting new dig on the Orkney mainland at Smerquoy.  Take a look here for the Smerquoy Dig Diary.

And this website/blog has a great online exhibition - a very atmospheric "Digital Dwelling at Skara Brae".

And more found in Firth on the Orkney Mainland - this is still at the exploratory stage. Click here

So lots of exciting things being discovered. I'll blog about the Ness of Brodgar dig once it's open and I've had a chance to go and take a look.

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