
Thursday 2 May 2013

Spring is struggling on.....

It's May but still "April showers", and chilly temperatures and windy days.... Above are the ewes and their lambs in the field opposite the house.  A grey, chilly day.  I want to rush out and wrap the little lambs in wooly jumpers! Their mums have lovely thick oily fleeces to keep them dry, but the young lambs have only a thin covering of wool at this early stage.  I love watching them all "playing" together, racing around the field, playing "I'm King of the Castle", and racing off again.

In the garden the tulips are out - these are NOT dwarf tulips but they have learned to grow low or they just don't survive!

And the cultivated variety of primrose are starting to flower too....

While the wild variety are very late this year....but beautiful and worth waiting for. These cover the stone near the pier.

A hen enjoys rootling around underneath the willow trees

And the clouds continue to scud across the sky.....

While Button prefers to snooze in the warm.... I love the way cats are so tidy when they sit - look at her tail neatly curled up! (And no she doesn't have a problem with her ear - it's just the angle of the photo!)

But there ARE days when the sun shines and the sky is blue :-)


  1. Interesting, what you call the wild variety of primrose is what we buy here for early spring color. Lovely pictures, as always!

  2. We had one of those sunny, blue skies days yesterday, Sian, but the clouds are back today. Sigh.... As you say, spring seems to be taking two steps forward and one step back after a very late start. Lovely flowers. :-)

  3. I marvel that at your northern latitude you are ahead of us by a week or two in the garden ... Enjoy these wonderful spring days.
