
Thursday 20 June 2013

Along the shore......

You'll have to wait a wee while longer for my "holiday snaps" of mountains - I took so many I need to sort through them and with a busy schedule it may be a few days yet before I'm done..... however here are some photos of the lower level shore-line on Graemsay!

The one above is taken from the shell beach with the coral sand. The tide was lazily coming in last night when I took this.  The Hoy Hills in the background stand out against the lush green of the fields of Graemsay.

Gentle waves were lapping the shore.....

The sun is still quite high in the sky but it must have been after 7pm that I took this. I love the long days at this time of year!

I love the clouds in this one!  And you can just see the roof of Sandside to the left of the picture.

And here is Hoy High lighthouse standing out brightly against the darker hills of Orphir on the Orkney Mainland in the background.

Here the cow parsley is nearly up over the ruined buildings!

And today, the beach was not so deserted!  A couple of the classes from Stromness Primary School came over for a beach adventure. The "crocodile" of children, teachers and helpers wound it's way up from the pier and past the house on their way to the beach. The kids were chattering and wearing their hi-viz jackets and waving buckets and spades. (Button was appalled! The noise!! And all that fluorescent yellow!).  They are only here for a couple of hours, have a picnic on the beach, make some sand castles and wend their way back to the boat, which is specially hired to take them back to Stromness again.  Some of the Graemsay children were in the classes and it must be lovely for them to show their friends where they live and let them experience the "school bus" of the MV Graemsay ferry!  The weather was a bit dull today but it was fairly warm and at least DRY! I think all the kids had a good time and wore themselves out on the beach. Well maybe not that last bit, but I think the teachers and helpers walked back to the pier a bit slower than they came ;-)


  1. very nice serie ! the weather seems clement :)

    1. Yes we've been fairly lucky with the weather -though it's not that warm...

  2. What great photos. We have just come back from south uist and the light there is like yours - brilliant and true. Lucky kids to have that time on the beach.

    1. Oh I just love the light in the summer!

  3. Super photos, Sian, and what fun for the children to visit your tiny island.

    1. It's funny, when you speak to older Orcadian folk they have often been to Graemsay either with a school or sunday school outing, or a Kirk picnic. Maybe only once in their lifetime - but they always remember it :-)

  4. Hello! Just wanted to say thank you for the lovely read! I've been following your blog for a little while now, and I suddenly thought I should show my support, so you know you have some lurkers out there who're quite interested in your posts!

    I've really enjoyed the posts about peat cutting, but I think your photography has to be the best part of the blog, by far! It's very charming the way you include cute little Buttons, as well. (Don't tell her I said that!)

    Well, thank you again, and please continue sharing your lovely island life with us. :)

    1. Hi Christine! Thanks for say hallo. I love to get comments and hear from folk. And I realise from my "stats" that there must be a lot of "lurkers" out there reading. So thank you for coming forward and saying Hi. Glad you enjoy the photos (and no I won't mention to Buttons that you think her cute, she's quite above herself at the moment as it is!).

  5. I have to confess that I am also a 'lurker'. I have to agree with Christine K in that I love reading your blog: writing, photographs; everything!

    1. Hi Martino, lovely to hear from you too. Thanks for stopping by to say hallo. And sorry my posts have been a bit sparse lately - hoping to catch up soon.....

    2. Yes, it's a very fascinating slice of life out there! I grew up in a teeny tiny town of about 500 people on the east coast of Newfoundland, and now I live in the bustling city of Victoria, way on the other side of the country.

      I love the city life, and how beautiful it is out here, but there's nothing like a reminder of the sea air and endless skies of my childhood. Your photos remind me quite a bit of the Newfoundland landscape!
