
Sunday 21 July 2013


Finally this weekend we got some of the heat that the rest of the country has been experiencing.  It was 23 degrees C in the garden yesterday.  Thankfully there was a sea breeze so that made it feel pleasant rather than hot and sticky.  The rest of the UK has been getting temps around 27C which is above average for this time of year.  That and high humidity too and high temps at night - no thanks, I'll stick with our variable weather here ;-)  Though it has to be said one doesn't move to Orkney for the weather.....

The stone henny house on the left basking in the sun

But then again these photos make it look positively tropical.


  1. Our summer temps on the coast are normally around 23C but we've had some real heat waves where it reached well over 30. Luckily that didn't last too long. In other parts of North America they sweltered in temps in the high 30's for weeks on end.

    Like you, we have lovely breezes here on the Atlantic Shore.

    As always, love the shots of those marvellous old stone ruins ...

  2. Lovely pictures! Gorgeous blue skies... Oh, how I'd love to visit!

  3. Tropical indeed, Sian. Just look at those skies. We've had temperatures in the upper 20s to lower 30s over the past few weeks - too hot for me too. It's now down to a much more manageable lower 20s today, thank goodness.

  4. I love how your sky seems to stretch on forever.....
