
Monday 23 September 2013

Graemsay "late summer" Dance...

I interrupt my holiday photos to bring you news of our late summer dance held in the Graemsay hall last Friday.  John & Leslye Budge, our friends from Hoy, came over again to provide music and instruction on some of the traditional Scottish dances.  We were also delighted that Ruby Manson, formerly of Quoys on Graemsay, now of Stromness, was able to join us again. She plays a mean fiddle tune!  Ruby used to come along (she still has family on the island) but due to ill health hadn't been to the dances or a while. So it was great to see her here again and we're hoping she can come along to the harvest home too....

Part of the reason for the dance was to learn some new steps, part to just well... party, and part to celebrate the refurbishment of our hall. The first time in it's history (since WWII).  Neil Mowat had led a small working party but done most of the work himself. Our hall is looking VERY smart now and we are all thrilled with it.  A vote of thanks was given to Neil to pass onto the other workers.

Traditional Scottish dancing is now taught in schools and there are classes and groups where you can learn. The Orkney folk on Graemsay would have learnt to dance, but those of us from outside Orkney haven't a clue!  We can manage one or two dances at our events but most of us are struggling with more than just the basics.  So John and Leslye took us in hand (literally) and off we were to learning the Westray One-Step, The Eva Three-Step, the Gay Gordons, a Canadian Barn Dance and some others I have already forgotten!

The young ones get up to dance, and when not dancing form the panel of judges!

Folk were soon getting the hang of it and the floor was getting a little crowded - especially if folk were going in different directions

And there was great concentration on which steps were next....

Now and again John sang a song while we all caught our breath, then joined in. I love his rich voice and the traditional songs.......

There was, of course, the supper and this delicious cheesecake, as well as lovely homebakes and savouries....

A chance for a blether (chat).....

And more dancing....

While some of the younger folk had a go at joining the band....

A lovely night was had by all.  AND I nearly turned into a pumpkin, not getting home until nearly 1am.... fortunately I was escorted home by John & Leslye who were staying with me so I wasn't abducted by the trowie folk ;-)


  1. Sounds so wonderful. My kind of entertainment and fun.

    1. Oh you would love it I'm sure! And you'd be most welcome (especially if you get up and dance! Tee hee!)

  2. This post had me tapping my feet to inaudible music, Sian. I used to love the village socials when I was a child in Lancashire and we too danced the evening away, young and old together, though I think they never lasted much past 11pm. :-)

    1. Our dances can become marathons and I usually slip away home before midnight. But I was enjoying the dances and managed to stay the course this time. (I could do some of the slow ones especially as they were even slower as we were learning!).
