
Friday 15 November 2013

After the calm.....

.... come the gales..... not that I should complain given the tradegy that has occurred in the Philippines! But we humans tend to be selfish and the last few days have been rather windy and chilly.  My central heating boiler broke down twice this week, but fortunately M&S (no not THAT M&S as in the department store with yummy food) but my neighbours (who also have yummy food, it has to be said) came and sorted it out for me, got it working, came back when it failed again, and have currently got some parts on order to be replaced once they arrive.  Meanwhile boiler keeps bumbling on and I am a happy bunny. They will both attest to the Grump I turn into when I am Cold..... (nothing compared to Button though!).  But I do have some electric heaters and can keep a couple of rooms nicely warm so it's not too bad..... but I do like my warmth......

Anyway, gales have been blowing most of the week and I have remained firmly hibernating (while working of course) indoors. Just venturing out to feed the hens and Charlie the Barn Cat before beating a hasty retreat.  Button has spent most of her time snoozing on her bed in the kitchen.

Aforementioned kitchen did get a little overheated this afternoon as I was baking some Scottish pancakes. I was experimenting with sizes....tiny to - er - a bit big.

So I didn't mind opening the door and sticking my head out to take a quick few sunset pictures - evidence herewith.  Though I did have trouble holding the camera steady!!  I think Button got in a bit of a panic as she thought I was about to throw her out. NO walks to the beach required today thankyouverymuch!  But I would never be that heartless - plus she'd get her own back.....

And it's set to be windy all weekend so a time for hunkering down, reading, doing some domestics, and a bit of baking too. Oh and more sleeping for Button....


  1. Time to batten down the hatches, keep warm and enjoy those pancakes, I think. :-) It's been a bit breezy here at times, but nothing that could be called a gale. The Met Office was forecasting snow for us next Tuesday, but even that threat seems to have receded.

    1. Yikes! Snow!! Hope you don't get that this early in Winter. We don't normally get too much snow - just lots of gales and rain....we are due some respite tomorrow before the next onslaught...

  2. We're finally beginning to get a bit of a chill at night here in Northern California. The wind is always a factor where I live - up on a hill above the northernmost end of San Francisco Bay. We haven't seen rain in many months, and though it's predicted for next Thursday, I'll believe it when I see it. The days are brisk, and cool enough to keep me inside at my sewing machine and piano, or in front of the fireplace with a book and a collection of cats. I'm readying the containers on the back patio for winter greens and potatoes. Can't bear to stay outside for any length of time, but hope to have them planted within a week.

    I was reading up on your island today and am curious as to how you wound up there. Would love to hear your story.

    1. Welcome to Graemsay! Thanks for stopping by and commenting. I visited SF a couple of times and it's a city I love. But I must admit I was disappointed with the "Californian" weather - I expected wall to wall sunshine. LOL!!! I'll write up a post soon on how I came to the island...... I'll add to my winter list :-)

  3. Sian, your photos are lovely as always. If it wasn't for lousy-weather-days, I'd never clean the house ! lol

    I was out hiking with a couple of dogs. The weather was maybe 4 or 5 Celsius. Very overcast. A lovely mild day. ;-)

  4. San Francisco is my favorite city, but, yes... the weather is dicey! Wall-to-wall sunshine most commonly happens in Southern California - in the beach communities of Santa Barbara, Long Beach (my home town) and San Diego, and many others. They're famous for their sun and surf!
