
Tuesday 19 November 2013


OK, just a sprinkling, and mostly on the hills, but it's still SNOW, and a little too early in the season for that in Orkney!  We don't normally get much snow or ice (that good old Gulf Stream again), but some years are better (or worse) than others. The forecast is for a snowy winter this year.  Salt supplies accumulated for the back step, extra food in for hens, and checking of store cupboard. Snow boots dusted off (though didn't need them today!).

The roads were icy and covered in a thin layer of snow from about 11pm last night. There were some accidents on the roads in Orkney today too. I think it caught people by surprise....

It looks pretty and wasn't too cold. Though I gave the hens and Charlie the barn cat extra rations, just in case....

But tomorrow severe gales are forecast and rain. So the snow won't hang about long on this occasion!

Meanwhile Button will stare glumly out of the window.... she doesn't like the snow....cold paws....


  1. we nevver have snow here, i wish we had.

    1. I like it in very small doses! It's pretty when it first falls, but I don't like it when it freezes and is slippery, or when it gets all churned up by cars and turns a horrible dirty black colour!! Right now I'd love some WARMTH :-)

  2. we never have snow here. i wish we had.

  3. Gorgeous! Being a native-born southern Californian I didn't experience snow until I moved to Colorado when I was 41. People tell me I'm mad, but I love snow. Stay safe!

    1. Heee hee... I love snow now I don't have to travel in it. Hated it when I used to stand on freezing railway platforms waiting for delayed trains and then trudge through slippery streets because buses were delayed and it was quicker to walk! But it's fun to look at!

  4. beautiful ! :) we had a few flakes this morning too :)

    1. Did it settle? Ours disappeared, came back, disappeared....

  5. Snap! We woke to a light covering yesterday, which looked very pretty. Sadly it's been replaced by wind, rain and grey skies again. I prefer snow. :-) Don't the Hoy hills look gorgeous?

    1. I just LOVE the hoy hills and how they change with the seasons! Hope you are getting some decent weather before the next onslaught of wind and rain?

  6. Looks fantastic on lovely Scottish hills - I much prefer it there to on slushy London Streets! xx

    1. OOooh that's exactly what I just said in a comment above!! Well remember commuting to central london on packed trains, slidy platforms, delays....brrrr!
