
Thursday 26 December 2013

All is quiet, all is calm....for now!

SunRISE on Christmas Day
The storm passed and wasn't quite as fierce as expected, but still gusts of 70mph and a lot of rain BUT the power stayed on! All is well on the island, and compared to folk in Kent and other Southern counties in England we are VERY lucky.  I feel so sorry for the folk flooded out and many thousands without power.  It's bad enough at any time of year, but at Christmas when folk work so hard to make it a special event, it seems doubly sad.

I had a quiet Christmas. A neighbour, M, came round for Christmas dinner yesterday. I did a simple roast with a lovely local fresh chicken - NO! NOT one of my own!  I am happy to eat meat but not something I have been personally acquainted with. M. wanted to be home before dark, so I had a relaxing evening watching TV and nibbling on lots of goodies.......  As I have said before, I don't celebrate Christmas, but am happy to have a few days rest and relaxation in mid-winter!

Today I went for a walk along the shore. Button came too but was busy mousing so I didn't get any photos. She was also complaining as it was still breezy and a shower was coming over. I assumed she was in the old buildings hunting mice but when I got home I found she was already there before me! Obviously took a short cut across the field.  Tee hee!

Not sure this panorama taken on my ipod works that well in Blogger - but click on the picture and see anyway!

It was lovely down on the beach though I wasn't there long ......

Did I mention I live next door to a lighthouse? ;-)

Meanwhile the sheep were curious to know what I was doing "abroad" and did I have anything of interest to them (eg food).....

We haven't had a ferry service since Monday. Tuesday it was cancelled due to the bad weather and no ferries on Christmas Day or today, what is known a "Boxing Day" (another bank holiday). Ferries should be running tomorrow but the wind is forecast to get up again tonight so not sure if they will run.  I'm fine though - despite trying to exercise restraint when buying in food for the holiday I seem to have been a little extravagant and can probably avoid shopping for about a month now!!

I hope all of you had a good Christmas and a peaceful time......


  1. Sometimes When I finish blogging, when I do blog, I hit the "next blog" button at the top. Today yours came up. I have to say you live in a beautiful place. What a blessing to see all the sights you get to see everyday. Thank you for the beautiful pictures. Ill be back to see more.

    1. Thanks for "dropping by" AND commenting! I love to hear from folk who read my blog. I hopped over to see "you" today. Glad all is well after your scan. Love your positive attitude too. May the future hold lots of good things for you and yours.

  2. I'm very glad you missed the worst of the storms and managed to have a quiet and enjoyable break over the Christmas season.

    1. Yes we kept bracing ourselves for the worst and it didn't come. Hope you had a good festive season and return home refreshed without battling wind, rain or flood!

  3. We had the storms down here. Lovely photos from Boxing Day, the beach scenes are so evocative. Keep them coming in 2014 - Happy New Year

    1. Thanks! I've been following the weather in the "South" and you certainly hve been having a worse time than us up here that's for sure. Hope you have managed to keep dry feet!
