
Tuesday 10 December 2013


A dusting of snow on Graemsay
...... there's a lot of it about!  Well there was last week.... shhhh we're going through a quiet, mild spell at the moment... it won't last but I'm making the most of it!!  Anyway in a brief gap in between work, getting sorted for Christmas and sleeping - here are some photos of the recent Weather!

Storm approaching - lightning, thunder, hail, sleet, huge winds, and finally a little snow. Power cuts in Orkney but Graemsay was OK thankfully. I think some people lost their internet connection with fried modems, but otherwise all was well.  Not even much damage from the wind... Phew!

Hoy Sound was white with horses.....

Waves were crashing over the main road on the island making it impassable for a while at high tide. Not that there was anywhere to go. All ferries were cancelled, staying safely in harbour.

Photo by Joe of Ramray
Did I mention snow?  Not much of it - the wind was blowing too strongly for it to stick to much! Though I think there was some drifts on the Orkney Mainland.

A light dusting over the town of Stromness

Snow showers sweeping past.... the tractor tracks leading to the sheep feeder at the sheltered side of the field.

And here are the sheep!

And the Stromness to Scrabster ferry came "up the Flow" - always happens in windy weather as it's more sheltered.  So once the wind died down the boats were running again.... shelves in supermarkets were restocked and supplies sent over to Graemsay - I nearly ran out of tea bags. Oh calamity!

And of course if I was going out for a walk, Button had to come too....

Off we went down to the beach ......

Button complained the whole way...."Cold paws, cold paws!"........ well she didn't HAVE to come!

We were soon home, me with a cup of tea and cake, and Button with a light lunch and a snooze on her bed warmed by the underfloor heating!

And in the afternoon a wintery sunset.....

The snow disappeared the next day and mild weather with the odd chilly wind and some rain has characterised this week so far.


  1. Love your photos, so different to mine, love the one of button looking cold,an insight into how things are on the other sde of the world.

    1. Thanks for dropping by, Penny. I took a trip to your blog to bathe in some warm sunshine :-) I too love seeing what's happening on the other side of our world!

  2. Beautiful pictures. Hope the sheep keep warm with their wooly coats. Buttons is far braver that my Sadie. We've had similar weather, and the temperature is dropping. Brrrrr.

    1. The sheep do keep remarkably warm in their woolly coats. It's their wee feet I feel sorry for!! Button likes a daily wander but she loves coming into the warm too. I notice she is out far less once October comes....she hibernates like me :-) Indeed she's gone to bed already.....sigh....

  3. Great photos - and more snow! We always check the forecast for Orkney as well as our island 'down south'; we had a feeling you've been having some interesting weather recently! Button will be asking for snow-boots for Christmas if this carries on!

    1. Oooh I MUST remember to look out for your forecast too! My sister lives in the Channel islands so I keep an eye on her.... I always imagine everyone else is having better weather than us. LOL! As for Button - she'd want white patent leather snow boots I fear ;-)

  4. What a wonderful series of photos, Sian. Gosh, it really was very wild with you, wasn't it? I'm glad you weren't cut off for long. Life without tea-bags doesn't bear thinking of. :-)

  5. Love the images. Joe's shot of the wave surging over the shoreline is wonderful. I just love that Button walks with you.
