
Monday 20 January 2014

A trip to the town....

Last Friday I popped over to Stromness to do some shopping. It was a grey day and quite blustery at times too but not too windy for the ferry. Though as you can see above, I waited in the car till the ferry was at pier before getting out!

While waiting for the ferry I snapped some fulmars nestling in the shelter of the "cliff".

Clearly these birds aren't fussed that the Graemsay "cliffs" are pretty low!

And just along the shore from them is the signpost marking where the electricity cable comes ashore (from the Orkney Mainland in the parish of Orphir). All our electricity cables are run across the island overground on these pylons. Sometimes in the Spring there are problems with crows nesting on the transformers and bridging a link causing a power cut!  And of course the cables are prone to damage in high winds. From the pylons the cables then run underground to the various houses and buildings on the island.  Everyone is now connected to mains electricity, though for some that is more recent than others.

And the Hoy High lighthouse standing brightly against a darkening sky.....

It's high tide as we sail into Stromness Harbour....

I love the houses and other buildings that line the harbour..... Though with very high tides and the wind in the wrong direction, obviously they are liable to flooding too.

And down the street are buildings with interestingly shaped walls! These are so shaped to allow an old horse and cart to pass through maybe, or to widen access.  Very elegantly done anyway....

And in the window of the local florist shop, a wee doggy snuggly in his coat keeping an eye on approaching customers...

Monday 13 January 2014

Along the shore....

Today was brilliant sunshine, a bit of a breeze but nothing to speak of (though my eyes cried!), and all was calm again.... a lovely day for another walk along the shore....

This is a land drain, clearly showing now after winter storms. It drains water from my field onto the shore...well that's the theory! Given that end of the field tends to be a bit wet I'm not sure how effective it is.

Button waits reasonably patiently while I take some photos.... You can see all the pebbles and small boulders thrown up against the low cliff face by recent storms.

Looking across Graemsay with the Hoy hills in the background.

The wavelets just gently rippling along the shore, so calm....

Footprints in the sand - this time a bird!

Another land drain possibly, though this is also the site where the kelp kiln used to be.

Looking towards Hoy....

Oystercatchers along the shore. They are here in there hundreds on Graemsay in the summer.  Not so many now overwintering but still a few to scream indignation if anything alarms them.

Then a walk back through the garden..... the rhubarb is coming to life! If Button doesn't sit on it!

Bulbs are coming through....brrr hope they don't get a shock with the frost...

Lichen on the garden dyke (wall)

And the hens (and juvenile cockerel) enjoying the sunshine too and grazing on the grass at the front of the house...

Thursday 9 January 2014

A cold winter's day.....

I don't make New Year resolutions as I never keep them. However I have decided I need to get outdoors more and get a bit more gentle exercise. I'm not robust enough for a full exercise programme and would hate it anyway! But I'm hoping to try and do a daily wander to the beach during winter (weather permitting) and a bit on the treadmill if I can't stand up in a howling gale outside!

So today I put on my "duvet" coat, hat, gloves, scarf, warm boots and headed off to the sandy beach with Button (of course). Now Button loves a walk with me and is, in fact, often the first to suggest it. So she was quite eager to go out when she saw me putting on my boots (maybe she's a reincarnated dog?).  We strode out across the grass in front of the house and into the garden.  Then a gust of wind shook us both.  Button retreated rapidly behind the shelter of the dyke (wall).  Baleful eyes followed me...... I was undeterred and headed for the beach.  Eventually she followed (she's a cat - curiosity and all that!). But she kept up a dialogue the ENTIRE walk.  It probably went something like "What the HELL do you think you are doing? Are you completely NUTS human - it's COLD out here. Turn round NOW!"  We were only out for about 20 minutes - I suspect she had a sore throat by the time we got home!

Anyway - the camera really captured the blue light of winter. I do love being by the shore whatever the weather and after the first shock of cold wind it was quite - um - bracing.  Eventually I was able to hunker down in the sand dunes out of the worst of the breeze and it was almost - well - pleasant!

Button, scampering down the sand dunes

Brrr looks cold doesn't it?!  Though it was probably about 6 degrees C/44F.

I love the patterns on the sand made by the stream from water off the fields.... it's like a beautiful piece of art.

Seaweed strewn along the shore....

There are various methods used to try and slow down the coastal erosion of the "links" (dunes), but the sea just goes round behind them....

And then back home - the sea is calm..... may that last a while!

And we get nearly 30 minutes more daylight than on the shortest day!! Whoo hoo!!!

Monday 6 January 2014

Winter light.....

Above is a benign sky with a gentle Winter sunset behind the hills of Hoy.  The last couple of days have been wonderful. NO wind, not even a breeze.  A rain shower today with rain falling vertically. I'd forgotten it could do that! I have got used to rain spitting horizontally through keyholes, and drenching mean like a bucket of cold water thrown over me.......  so I made the most of the calmer weather (wind getting up already for next gale) and went for a wander around the shore.  Yes it's the same bit of shore as always - there is a reason for this....well two reasons.... 1) - Button likes to come for a walk and I'm loathe to take her too far from home ground and 2) - I'm lazy ;-)

The light at this time of year can be very "flat" and blue/grey......

The waves have been throwing these boulders around like toys....

Button warily regards the waves rushing in.....

The old pier has taken a battering too....

An old creel for catching partans (crabs) has been washed up on the shore....

Stromness in the distance.... shells and coral strewn along the shore.....

The waves washing over the end of the old Sandside pier....

White water off the pier....

Teetering on the brink!

A black and white photo of a black and white cat! (Button of course!)

Buildings about to tumble onto the shore....

This ruined croft house really IS teetering on the brink!

Ah there's that old creel again.....

Remains of the old wooden boat that was burned on the shore last year....

Old bales, old buildings, old pier....

One of the many sparrows around the garden.....

Buds on the willow trees just waiting for Spring!

And the girls enjoying the grass in the garden!  I let everything die back in the garden in winter. I rarely even go in there myself except to put food out for the wild birds.  Everything takes a battering from the salt spray, sand and wind that it seems cruel to try and grow plants for winter! So I stick to perennials or hardy shrubs and everything dies back for Winter ready to grow anew in Spring. But the hens get shelter from the wind in here so they love rootling about among the dead leaves, and grass.

And one hen has started laying again. Yes!  Maybe Spring is not too far away...?

Sunday 5 January 2014

The Nativity ..... a little late!

Due to storms, wind, rain, lightning and hail our island nativity play was postponed till a quieter time after Christmas. So on a fairly benign afternoon we all gathered in our wee community hall.  Irene (who used to be the teacher on the island) organises this each year, so it's a surprise for parents as well as the rest of the audience.  She and the children did a great job again this year!  Here are a few photos of the event.....

The audience gathered to sing carols....

Music was provided by Irene and young Andrew.....

Here come Mary and Joseph (baby jesus making an unexpectedly early appearance...).

Baby Jesus - head first into the manger....

The shepherds then arrive on the scene....

The Angel Gabriel shows up...

Joe took the part of the Narrator.....

A young "King" is afraid she might miss her cue.... (Think she looks more like Hiawatha!)

Meanwhile a young shepherd is trying to make his big sister "Mary" giggle...

The Star in the East (hmmm think it was in the North West actually but nobody minded).....

"We three Kings...." a quick change for "Gabriel", and a cardboard cut-out required as we ran out of children!

"Mum, Mum, can you see me, I'm a King!"

Time for the bows at the end.... "Mary" insists Baby Jesus sits up to take a bow too!!

While "Joseph" shows everyone that "Mary" hasn't quite got the knack of swaddling yet as Jesus's trousers are falling down!!   

Nativity plays are just priceless!  Thanks Irene for another great performance from yourself and the children!

PS When the children sang "Away in a Manger" I had a tear in my eye and I don't *do* Christmas!