
Monday 20 January 2014

A trip to the town....

Last Friday I popped over to Stromness to do some shopping. It was a grey day and quite blustery at times too but not too windy for the ferry. Though as you can see above, I waited in the car till the ferry was at pier before getting out!

While waiting for the ferry I snapped some fulmars nestling in the shelter of the "cliff".

Clearly these birds aren't fussed that the Graemsay "cliffs" are pretty low!

And just along the shore from them is the signpost marking where the electricity cable comes ashore (from the Orkney Mainland in the parish of Orphir). All our electricity cables are run across the island overground on these pylons. Sometimes in the Spring there are problems with crows nesting on the transformers and bridging a link causing a power cut!  And of course the cables are prone to damage in high winds. From the pylons the cables then run underground to the various houses and buildings on the island.  Everyone is now connected to mains electricity, though for some that is more recent than others.

And the Hoy High lighthouse standing brightly against a darkening sky.....

It's high tide as we sail into Stromness Harbour....

I love the houses and other buildings that line the harbour..... Though with very high tides and the wind in the wrong direction, obviously they are liable to flooding too.

And down the street are buildings with interestingly shaped walls! These are so shaped to allow an old horse and cart to pass through maybe, or to widen access.  Very elegantly done anyway....

And in the window of the local florist shop, a wee doggy snuggly in his coat keeping an eye on approaching customers...


  1. You definitely have an eye for what gives a town character, Sian! That curved wall fascinates me-- I wonder what it does to the room on the inside!

  2. I love the pic of the approaching ferry in the mirror! The Hoy Lighthouse is very much like the one at Arnish just off Stornoway, both in terms of looks (although yours is taller and slimmer) and situation.

  3. When we used to holiday on Orkney my children, as they were then, now young adults, used to love the Quernstone and my younger daughter once got locked in the loo at Julia's Cafe ... a happy memories

  4. Oh I want to come experience your part of the world. I can hear it calling to me.

  5. What a lovely tour of your part of the seems so idyllic & peaceful. I Love the the lighthose & the birds....I love it all...
    We have a Stromness here in Ontario, Canada. It is 350 miles away from where I live & it is a country side town with miniature horse farms & a few stores & lots of farms...probably someone from the original Stromness came over to Canada a few hundred years ago & settled there...
    Sherri-Ellen & Nylablue xx

  6. I did enjoy these glimpses of Stromness, Sian. next time I must see the curved wall. :-)
