
Monday 3 February 2014

Along the shore reprise....

Ringed Plovers among the seaweed with
Stromness in the background.

These photos were actually taken before my trip to London. It was a beautiful bonny day, the sun shone and there was no wind.... I can just about remember it....sigh.... We are no being battered by gales, high seas, high tides and rain. Though not as badly as folk in the South West of England are.  Anyway I need reminding of sunshine so here are yet more photos of a daily walk with Button.

Button lets me take the lead and sometimes gets distracted by an interesting smell, or movement. She soon comes to find me though.

She leaves Button sized paw prints in the sand....

I suspect she was delayed watching the chickens who were also out enjoying the sun. This young cockerel had been rummaging in the old barn....

I loved the ripples along the shore - not even waves, just wonderful delicate ripples....

And another flock of plovers enjoying the peace.

The colour of the sea and sky were so beautiful it hurt my eyes....

Button waits patiently while I snap away with the camera....

Hee hee a wee rock trying out a new wig?

Hmm wonder what Button is thinking as she gazes out to sea?

Stromness looks so close! The ship in the harbour is an old cargo ship which was used while our Hamnavoe ferry was on refit. It only took 12 passengers and wouldn't sail if there was a puff of wind! But that's another story..  And look at those steep fields!

The Hoy Hills wearing a hat!

And the Northern Lighthouse Board vessel, the Pharos coming up the Flow.

Ah - I see it's going to do some work on the Bar Buoy which guards the shallow rocks (skerries) between Graemsay and Stromness. When the tide is really low I feel I could almost walk out to the Bar Buoy!


  1. I'm just amazed that button likes to walk so close to the water's edge. I expect she's made of stout stuff. Although indoor-outdoor cats, mine would mostly run back to the house just hearing the sound of he surf!

  2. The boulder with the comb-over made I giggle!

  3. Ringed Plovers are just maybe my favourite birds of all - thanks for those!

  4. Gorgeous photos, Sian and I hope it won't be long before you get some more calm, sunny weather. This dreadful cycle of wind and rain can't last for ever, even if it feels like it at times....

  5. Another lovely bog Sian!!! You are right about that blue of sky & sea being SO-O intense!! I love the water ripple photo; such calm...
    You live in such a beautiful part of the is so fresh & signs & streetlights & stuff cluttering the land....
    Your blog is a breath of fresh air!!
    Button is lovely as usual; your constant companion it appears...I woo wonder what she is thinking while looking out to sea....
    Wishing you a good week coming.
    Sherri-Ellen & Nylablue xxx
