
Tuesday 11 February 2014

Out and about....

....but not that far! Yup more "along the shore" I'm afraid.... this time I didn't go far as I'm recovering from a head cold.  You know how it is, nothing serious but you feel horrid. Anyway, getting out in the fresh air was good.  Above - you can see the Hoy Hills hiding under the duvet...

Pottering along the shore.....

With shells.....

And an old creel

And an old boat, which was burned on the shore a couple of years ago is still a favourite subject .....

I love the texture of the burned wood....

And the old metal lying in the boat too make a good subject....

And of course Button has to get in the picture.....actually she was trying unsuccessfully all the time I was taking these shots.....sigh...

Of course if I'm in one place for very long the hens have a habit of finding me too....

This hen is actually very tame but she does look rather fierce.

Here the "ladies" are enjoying taking the air too on a still calm day in front of their henny hoose. It was cold, and a bit grey but NOT windy.

This is the wonderful lichen that is growing on one of the fence posts....

The newly painted Hamnavoe ferry was coming round the corner too.....

Meanwhile Button was stalking along the roof at the front of the house - bored with my "faffing about" taking pictures!

And then here comes the Hamnavoe as she sails towards Stromness


  1. Wonderful pictures. It is amazing what catches your eye, eg. the burnt boat. There were pictures on our news last night of the flooding along the Thames. Terrible and so sad, and more rain expected.

  2. You realize that you are living in heaven ! I love your small island. And Button too of course.

  3. I don't know how I managed to miss this. What a lovely series of pictures, complete with blue sea and sky. :-) Sorry to hear you've been under the weather and hope you're now fully recovered.
