
Sunday 9 March 2014

Sunday Sunset....

I WILL try and reply to comments this week....sigh...sorry life still incredibly busy, mostly with work.. Meanwhile I'll try and keep you happy by supplying photos!  Today's is of a lovely sunset tonight.  The days are definitely getting longer. It was definitely daylight at 6.30 this morning - yes I know because I had to get up to give Princess Button a light breakfast!!  And sunset is now well after 6pm....

Dear Princess Button used up one of her nine lives, not for waking me so early, though that was a close run thing....but I was clearing out a store room that is going to have some work done to it and she was investigating. She was really excited as she's not usually allowed in this room.  And there was a ledge she wanted to explore..... But it was sloping at an alarming angle and I was confident she wouldn't bother trying it..... WRONG!  Stupid Bloody Cat made a leap for it, of course couldn't get a footing and fell backwards five feet, landing on her back - just two feet from a piece of wood with some very nasty spikey things sticking out of it.....shudder......

She seems fine - I am hoping it's just her dignity that was dented. She's moving OK, grooming herself OK, eaten dinner, and been quite playful so I'm hoping no lasting damage.  Meanwhile I'm traumatised at how much worse it could have been!  Everything has now been removed so she can't try another leap, AND the bit of spikey wood has been put into a safer position before being disposed of.

I needed a soothing sunset after that!!


  1. Poor you, Sian, and poor Button. What a nasty fright. I hope La Button recovers her dignity undamaged. Worse for you, in a way, as at least she won't be cringing at the thought of what might have happened! Tea and this exquisite sunset will help, I trust.

    1. Yes I think it's always worse for us humans because we can always see what MIGHT have happened, whereast our pets just trot off to do something else. No ill effects to dear Button at all it would seem. She didn't even appear to be stiff or have any bruises which is a relief.

  2. Crivens! That was traumatic! Sending hugs and head strokes to be distributed as appropriate.

    1. Thanks for the head stroke, and Button says thanks for the hug.... Yes it was quite traumatic at the time. Though Madam Button seems to have had no ill effects.....

  3. Poor Button! Whenever our cat fell off anything or did anything that she felt was somewhat embarrassing she used to look like the humiliation was far, far worse than any potential injury!

    1. She did the usual running off and pretending nothing happened. I stalked her for a while afterwards and I think that scared her more than the fall!

  4. I can imagine how scary that would be. Sadie has caused my heart to stop a few times. Glad Button seems to be ok.

    1. Yes our feline companions seem to have the capacity to provide us with heart-stopping moments however old they get!

  5. Good grief Sian I bet you were having fits!! Button has definltely used up a life ;)
    Nylablue gets herself into all sorts of trouble I know why my hair is turning white at such a great rate, lol...
    That sunset WAS soothing & I am glad you got to see it & that Button is all right!!!
    Sherri-Ellen & Nylablue

    1. I'm just glad I don't know what Button gets up to outdoors when on her jaunts! I'd probably end up with white hair overnight if I did....

  6. Such a pretty sunset. I love how nature blends colours so well.
    Methinks that you were more traumatised than 'Princess Button' ... though I will admit it was a good idea moving that piece of wood. Lol ... is she still interested in going through the door to that room?

    1. Yes I'm SURE I was more traumatised than she was! Yes of course she still wants to go back into the room. If a door is shut a cat will want to go in (or out) through it. She HAS been back in there again and is quite grumpy she can't have another go I think....sigh...

  7. Button is such a nice name for a cat!

    1. Thanks Isabelle. She's a rescue cat and came with the name. But I liked it - she is as bright as a button, AND has beautiful big green eyes that look just like buttons....

  8. Ouch, that was a close shave, Sian. Even cats aren't indestructible, though they act as if they were. :-(

    1. I know, I still shudder when I think about it. Doesn't seem to deter her from doing stupid things though!
