
Monday 14 April 2014

Graemsay Spring....

We've had a fairly dry spell till the last few days then we had heavy rain, light showers, hail, gales.... and today it's back to blue skies, and barely a breeze, though still a bit chilly.  So here are some photos taken over the last few days to show Spring has arrived...sort of....

Above is the view from my bedroom window. I have managed the first cut of the grass, the "daffs" (daffodils) are out and the willows have catkins and new leaves. The sea is a lovely blue and the Hoy Dragon is quietly puffing some clouds of smoke over her head....

I love the catkins on my willow trees....they are so pretty and look so delicate. Indeed the wind does tend knock them off pretty easily. Nevertheless the bees have been buzzing around them which is A Good Sign.

And quickly they get leaves.....bright green and fresh looking. Eventually they turn a beautiful silver grey for the summer.....

They are so exuberant though once they get going with catkins and leaves...

And the rosa rugosa is sprouting....all over the place!

And I mentioned the first mow of the season....

The perennials in the border are coming to life again now. The forget-me-nots are already in bloom. These travelled all the way from Kent...

And of course in Spring on Graemsay there are..... Lambs!!  These are some of the first of the season....

One or two need a little extra food...... I love "helping"!  Though I'm a fair weather helper and left the hard work to the farmer in the gales!

Ah yes the changeable weather.... at least I could see the rain approaching and get indoors....

The poor sheep and lambs were out in it!  This is a nursery pen where the ewes go when they have first had their lambs in the shed. After a day or two when everything seems OK they go out into the big field proper. But it's easier to catch both ewes and lambs in this smaller space. They get extra feed here too....

But a few minutes later it's back to blue skies again....

And the "Hamnavoe" sailing off with her Viking to the North of Scotland (Scrabster)....

Easter is on the way and along with Spring flowers, lambs, chocolate (of course!), there will be tourists beginning to visit Orkney once again.


  1. Forget-me-nots from Kent, indeed. You're going to be in big trouble, you are :o)

  2. And who knows where my broad beans are from (if you'll pardon the expression!).

  3. Lovely, lovely green grass and beautiful blue skies. It gives me a little hope that our grass will soon be green. Love the little lamb.

    1. OOoh yes hope you get the lovely Spring Green grass too. I just love the colours at this time of year!

  4. such a beautiful place in the world. i wonder why all over the world most of the spring flowers are yellow.

    1. I hadn't thought of that Yael! I'll have to aks my flower expert friends!

  5. Delightfully Spring-like. The turquoise colour of the sea in the last shot looks almost tropical - but of course I know it's not!

  6. Fabulous to see signs of spring, especially those forget me nots!

    1. I just LOVE forget-me-nots. They are such a welcome sight after the winter. So delicate and pretty yet really strong as they survive the wind, salt and sand thrown at them in my garden!

  7. Gorgeous to see Graemsay in the spring again, Sian. It's been so changeable everywhere - yesterday we had sleet and today sun!

    1. I know what you mean about changeable weather! I want the sunshine of the weekend back please!

  8. The lamb picture reminds me of feeding lambs in Australia, where our friends put the milk in beer bottles! (Nipples fit quite well)

    1. Hee hee what a good idea....and of course one would need to drink an ample amount of beer to ensure a good supply of bottles.....

  9. Lovely flowers & scenery!
    Here it was snowing. UGH!
    We are all so fed up with Winter. Now that we are in Spring all we have is mud! A few crocuses have been spotted but nothing is going to take a while for things to catch up here I think.
    Lovely lambs! A definite sign of Spring :)
    Sherri-Ellen & Nylablue too

    1. Snow - oh dear. I hope you get Spring soon and things dry up.....
