
Saturday 26 April 2014

Life in black and white...

I've just been playing with some settings on my camera.  Here are a few in black and white mode. I like taking pictures where all colour is lost and it's shades of grey (or black). Somehow it focuses the mind on the image rather than being distracted (sometimes) by colour.... so here are a few of them. Of course I had to start with my black and white cat, Button!

Black and white photos really emphasise the clouds, and the contours of the landscape

and gives a sense of stepping back in time..... this old rusty piece of farm machinery by the old stone building is teetering on the edge of the coastal erosion.....

Um... Button sweetie, I wouldn't sit there for too long or you might get a bump on the head from a rusty bit of metal! (actually it's not as precarious as it looks!)

This wall is close to tumbling down too, it has sea shells at the bottom. I thought they had been swept up from the shore but apparently, according to visiting archaeologists, it's part of an old midden (rubbish tip) for these old farm buildings which were once inhabited in the 19th century.

The old tumble down buildings set against a bright sky.....

Here is the old sail house, having lost it's roof long a go in the 1950's when a hurricane hit Orkney (more of that another time).... I love standing in this building as it still gives some shelter from the elements and I can watch the sun setting, and the birds on the shore....

And the final view looking back down the old pier, build in the 1860s.....

Hope you enjoyed our usual walk on the shell beack but with a different "view" this time!


  1. I enjoyed this very much indeed, Sian. You're right, using black and white for photography gives a quite different emphasis to many shots. It also takes me back to the tiny box Brownie snaps which sum up my childhood and most of my parents' lives.

    1. Oh yes I remember the box brownie! Though my parents weren't that bothered about taking photos, but the family photos were always taken with those! But I got a very basic camera as a child and loved capturing imagies with it.

  2. I always enjoy "our" walks, and seeing Button too. I never tire of seeing what you see.

  3. When you sit back and look at all of the simple things in life, it often gives you a feeling of knowing that you have everything that you need. Capturing the moments in pictures gives you a way to remember the simplicity while looking at the big picture of a small town.

    Heidi Sutton @ Ag Source Magazine
