
Tuesday 22 July 2014

Misty evening.....

I'm Back!  Yeah I know you didn't realise I'd gone. Humph!  But I've been "down South" for a few days (very down South actually in the wonderful city of Bath, but more of that later).  Just before I went on my travels there was a beautiful ethereal misty evening so I thought I'd share those photos, and a few others, with you.  (And yes before you ask Button is fine, she is well looked after when I'm away and doesn't sulk when I come home. Bless....).  Right....mist..... (Fran Gray a local musician wrote a tune called "Mist over Graemsay".....)

Anyway, I was driving up the island as I had to post a letter in our island post box (collected at 7.30am Monday to Friday by Mick our postman in his shiny red van) and the mist was just starting to come in.....

I love the way it softens the landscape....

Meanwhile, on the way back from the post box I stopped to say hi to some young calves that had recently been turned out into this field.  They are VERY inquisitive and I do love the young calves when they play together, just like kids in the school playground!

And someone had clearly got tired of cycling round the island!

And coming back round the bay the light was quite different though the sun has some way to go before setting.

I love the variety of clouds in the sky at any one time (well except the thick blanket of grey we had most of the Winter!).

Meanwhile the young stock in my field behind the house came to see why I was standing outside and had I got anything for them (No!).  These were calves born last year.  The yellow in the field are buttercups. Not sure the cattle are that keen on them which is a shame as we had a lovely display this year!

And now the sun is dropping behind Black Craig

And the mist is slowly creeping up the flow, covering the East end of Stromness like a gauzy blanket.....

Gradually getting thicker.....

And thicker.....

And then it was time to see if the hens were settled for the night.  Remember the wee fluffy chick of a few weeks ago..... well she (oh god she'd better be a she but I'm not convinced....she looks awfully like her father) has now exchanged fluff for some fine feathers!

And talking of feathers, these are the swallow fledglings.  NOW a couple of weeks later they are sitting on the hydro (electricity) lines and flying around the field and garden day and evening! Just think, in a few short weeks they will be on their way to Africa again!

Hope you enjoyed the misty evening!


  1. Such beauty, I dream of a life on a Scottish Island. Such a lovely blog, I will follow with interest.

    1. Welcome to Graemsay! I'm glad you enjoyed my blog, and thanks for taking the time to comment. I love meeting new readers :-)

  2. Oh Sian. More wonderful images from your magical island. BTW I have family in Bath so have visited the city. Lovely city.

    1. Bath is wonderful isn't it?? I'll be posting some pictures soon (meaning over next two weeks the way my schedule is at the moment.....sigh.....).

  3. I did enjoy the misty evening, and the calves, and cows. The little chick looks quite grown up now, and soon you will know if it is a cokka doodle doer.

    1. Hmmm it's making some odd non-hen sounds.... I do hope it's not a cockerel....sigh.

  4. What a beautiful place you live in.

    1. Thank you Hazzy, Yes I'm really lucky to live here :-) Thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment :-)

  5. What beautiful photographs - they have me hankering after another trip to magical Orkney xxx

    1. Yes Orkney has a way of getting into the blood :-)

  6. A gorgeous tour of your evening domain. Sian. I love the mist photos - so varied. Gosh, that chick has grown fast!
