
Wednesday 9 July 2014


The noise of a snoring Button!!   It amazes me how cats can balance on the narrowest of ledges and still sleep....

Meanwhile there are cows in my field behind the house enjoying some summer grazing....

And while rootling about in the garden I came across..... a pile of eggs!  A sneaky pesky hen is obviously hiding away!!  I haven't had time to investigate further so there may or may not be more chicks to accompany the lone chick of a few weeks ago....

Summer seems to have arrived now with sunny skies and warmer temperatures (about 17 degrees C which locaks say is "too hot" and visitors think is cold!  Hee Hee!

There are lots of young birds around and the swallows seem to be having a good year.  This one stopped by to say Hi....

And more flowers in the garden....did I mention I love the pom poms of the scabious?

This rowan is putting on a bit of a growth spurt this year.  I wonder if it will flower next year??

I love the big red blousy poppies.  I don't seem to get them to spread in the garden, but at least this one reappeared this year.

And the "main road" in Graemsay is disappearing under the banks of grass and cow parsley!

And on gazing out the window the other day it was a lovely surprise to see this "tall ship" sailing into Stromness Harbour!  Actually it was only built in 2000 in a shipyard in Devon (Appledore - one of my favourite villages).  It's used as a training ship to keep the skills alive.


  1. My Phoebe balances on the arm of the couch like that. It's as close to the heater as she can get but she'd always rather lay on top of a chair than on the seat.

    1. Button loves the back of this sofa as she can look out of the window too when awake. Mostly she sleeps curled up on chairs and sofas (beds too), But in the conservatory the back of this sofa is her preferred option - and she's not fallen off it yet!

  2. So quiet and beutiful. here we have alarms, missiles and looking for the nearest bomb shelter.

    1. You've been in my thoughts a lot recently....... wishing you a safe and peaceful future...

  3. 17 C is too hot? It's hotter than that here in the middle of the night! So much for my idea of transplanting a Scotsman to Texas. (North Texas at that!) The poor guy would fry! We're heading into a cool spell Tuesday with a forecast high of 85F/29.4C and a low of 64F/17.7C. I hope the forecast is accurate -- especially the part about it's supposed to rain.

    1. I have a friend living in Austin Texas and NO WAY would I survive Texas temperatures!! I struggle in the South of England in summer temperatures. I remember sweltering on transport, and lying prone like one of those Victorian ladies, on the bed with a damp cloth on my head in the evening to recover!!

  4. Love the ship! Everything is looking very lush this year, not only with you but all over. Must be the mildish wet winter.

    1. Yes everything is so lush, and lots of bees and young swallows and starlings too - it's been a good year :-)

  5. Gorgeous pictures! I'm doing a little Sunday afternoon surfing and found your blog. I will definitely be coming back to read more!

    1. Welcome to Graemsay! Hope you enjoyed your visit and thanks for taking the time to comment. I love hearing and "meeting" new readers. Sorry it took me so long to respond...sigh....

  6. LOL Button looks completely comfortable there...
    So she snores loudly? So does Nylablue & I have to wear earplugs so I can sleep...
    I love you flowers & countryside. It looks so lovely & inviting. LOL visitors think 17 Celsius is too cold? I think it would be 'just right!'
    What a lovely tall ship too. We had 4 tall ships in port here a few weeks ago for the July 1st Canada Day festival. They are so beautiful aren't they?
    So glad Summer is here; now if it will just stay until December, hahaha!
    Kind regards from Canada, Sherri-Ellen & Nylablue

    1. Oh yes Button snores quite loudly! I can usually sleep though it but now and again she wakes me up, I prod her and she gives me a "WHAT?" meow and is back to sleep before me..... I LOVE tall ships...especially in sail, but often when I see them coming into harbour they have had to drop sail and use engines to be able to stop!

  7. That is a beautiful tall ship and how good it was built to keep the skills alive. I am reading the Patrick Obrian series about the tall ships of 1800. The first book is "Master and Commander" and they made a movie of it, also excellent.
    I love swallows, they are graceful and eat pesky insects.

    1. Yes the tall ships are very evocative of our past aren't they. There are a number of training ships around and we often get one or two calling into Orkney. They are always a favourite of locals and tourists alike. Yes I love swallows, they are really acrobatic in flight! And yes eat lots of pesky insects - especially the evil midge!

  8. Oh what a beautiful ship! The tall ships really captured my imagination as a teenager when they visited our local port on the west coast. I wanted to sign up on a training ship and learn to climb the rigging. It never happened but they still make my heart sing - and like Terra, above, I adore the film of Master and Commander.

    What lovely poppies and scabious too - very cheerful!

    1. I haven't seen the film Master & Commander, but I do love tall ships. Not sure I'd climb the rigging but I love seeing them in sail! Sorry I've not "stopped by" for a while. You know how life gets.....sigh..... thanks for saying Hi though....
