
Sunday 28 September 2014

Referendum over....

Stromness Polling Station
The referendum is over and as anyone following it will know, there was a majority vote against independence.  The turnout throughout Scotland was great - over 80%.  That is extraordinary and much higher than for a General Election.

The Westminster Government have made a number of promises to the people of Scotland about giving more devolved powers. Promises made to try and keep Scotland within the Union.  We'll see how they pan out, but I suspect if they renege on them there will be trouble ahead.

Those voting for Scottish Independence vow to continue campaigning on and there is talk of another referendum in a few years.

But for now it would be great to keep up the level of political engagement that the referendum brought and take that forward to the next Westminster and Scottish elections.

I voted in Stromness. Most isles residents get a postal vote but mine didn't appear so I went to town to vote.  The town was buzzing with lots of folk clutching their polling cards (you can vote without them but it saves time).

After voting I went into Julia's cafe for breakfast and folk were discussing in very good natured terms the pros and cons of independence, and how folk thought the vote would go.  It was great to have such good natured discussion.


  1. I was curious too about the referendum, and enjoyed the highly civilized way of its course. You all Scotts deserve congratulations. I hope the catalans in Spain follow only the good example.

    1. It's been an interesting time and great engagement (85% turnout). It will be interesting to see how things go now with the extra powers from Westminster

  2. Interesting times ahead for everyone.

    1. Yes and let's hope there are some very postive outcomes too!

  3. It was extraordinarily interesting for us down south too, Sian, and I will admit to having stayed up until after 6am to watch the results come in. As you say, if only we could get that level of political engagement for other elections.

    1. I went to bed, but as I often wake up during the night I had my ipad nearby so I could get updates on the BBC website!

  4. We've gone through this with Quebec a couple of times. I must say that the question of the Scottish ballot was much better worded that that of the Quebec referendum. This is how the question was worded on the 1995 ballot: ""Do you agree that Quebec should become sovereign after having made a formal offer to Canada for a new economic and political partnership within the scope of the bill respecting the future of Quebec and of the agreement signed on June 12, 1995?"


    Glad the sun still rose the day after your referendum. I knew it would.

    1. Good grief - that was quite a question on the Quebec ballot! The sun rises whatever we humans get up to. For that we have to be thankful :-)

  5. It was really interesting to watch all of the news about the referendum. Living in Cornwall, we also have people calling for independence. Realistically we are far too small though. We have now been given Minority Status, which at last recognises our culture.

    1. Excellent that you have minority status. It's important to protec all our more "fragile" areas and communities so they don't get over-run from central government. Britain would be a sadder place if it became more homogenous.
