
Monday 3 November 2014

Graemsay Halloween

Last Friday it was time for the annual Graemsay Halloween Party.  Cue lots of spooky outfits, and strange coloured food, as well as party games.  Yay!

This year the island children each brought a friend from school for a "sleepover" (never had those in my day!). So along with the island children and grandchildren, plus added friends there were about 16 children at the party.  Eeeek! Now that WAS scary!  But adults and children entered into the party mood.

Even the wee ones were dressed for the party (above) and the adults too (Joe below)

Looks like Ronnie Wood turned up to play us a tune - hee hee

There were, of course, the traditional party games overseen by the Head Witch, Irene, and her chief wizard, Bobby, with their familiar black cat (Squeak stayed at home this time).

First up was "dookin'" for apples. I think some practising had been going on as they all caught them very quickly.....

And, of course, the adults weren't to be outdone.

Then it was the eye and spoon race (I'd been sent on a mission in town to get eyes earlier in the day, Found lots of Zombies but couldn't see any eyes.... (haha!).  But found some in the good old Stromness co-op in the end).

The girls were competing against the boys (it was ever thus).

Then it was time for the donut game - you have to eat your donut while it's hanging from a bit of string.  No hands....! And Yes I managed to do it too!

Again boys against the girls

A more experienced witch inducts the younger ones into the dark art of the donut game!

And finally it wa the "Mummy" game - where the men get wrapped up in toilet roll as Mummies and then have to break out of it.  Three teams, the first one to finish wins...

Then it's time for the parade, where all the children show off their wonderful outfits to the adults sitting around......

The children then had to sit in a cirle and each do a party piece - tell a joke, a sotry, or sing a song, before they got their halloween treats

Two wee lads telling their jokes

Followed by a song from a wee witch.

And after all that excitement it was time for the supper, with sandwiches and cakes with lurid icing for hungry witches and wizards.

And a chance for a blether (chat) with everyone.  I got the message loud and clear from this scary monster!

A wee witch explains the workings of a wand to Granny.

Not sure who's instructing who here....

And these boys reminded me of the "Jets" from West Side Story!!

And to end the evening was a special Birthday Cake for John Cromarty of Gorn to celebrate a particular birthday (hee hee he'll not thank me for telling you his age!).  There was a card and gift from the island folk too.  He did a good job of blowing out the candles!

And what did I go as?  The Witch of Sandside of course!   Loved the hair - might have to keep it!!


  1. Grand! I was so hoping that you would unleash your alter ego on the blogosphere :o)

  2. Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful. I really enjoy it when you tell of your island gatherings. It is really a great thing, with little ones and big ones sharing an evening of fun. Good on the big guys.

    1. Our little community is quite special :-) I'm very lucky to be part of it.

  3. What a fun evening. Thanks for sharing the great photos!

  4. Love the disguise Sian!

    1. Haha! I'm thinking of keeping the hair! Would LOVE hair like that..... And thanks for commenting - I have comment moderation on so it only gets published once I've seen it. Was getting too many dodgy sales comments ;-)

  5. What a wonderful place you live.

  6. Ah, try the "donut game" with apples! That is what I faced at my first (and only) Halloween party aged 10 in 1975.

    I was in a cat costume!!! Now i have Megs demanding to be in my arms, she makes typying"interesting" with this. Sending much love, care and many huggles, michelle.

    WOW - and very LOUD purrs from Megs (as she opens up all weird sorts of apps on my laptop with just a wriggle and a wave of her tails. Okay super lov from me and purry head-butts from Megs (to be hidden from Button, most absolutely)

    1. Playing the donut game with donuts is hard enough! I doubt I'd manage with apples...nor have the incentive. Hee hee!

      Aww Megs sounds a real poppet. Glad you found each other :-)

  7. That looks like such a fun evening! Great community effort :)

    1. Yeah we know how to party on Graemsay :-)

  8. Wow, you know how to throw a fun party, with all those games and costumes. That was nice some of the kids invited friends for a sleepover so they could attend too.

    1. It's the first time ALL the kids had friends for sleepovers and it was fun for them to show their friends where they live. Though I think the two families who housed the extra kids were somewhat tired the next day! Not sure there was much sleeping at the sleepover!

  9. What a fun lookin party! Wish my 4 year old had people in his life as creative!

    1. It's great for the kids on the island. I'm not very creative but lots of folk here are and we all take up the ideas :-) And thanks for stopping by to make a comment. Welcome to Graemsay :-)

  10. Graemsay really does know how to celebrate every occasion, Sian. Your island gatherings take me back to our village socials when I was growing up in Lancashire in the 50s and early 60s - young and old having fun together. :)

    1. Yes I'm sure there are still small rural communities that have get togethers like this. It's great that there is such a mix of ages - young learn from old and vice versa :-)
