
Tuesday 13 January 2015

And now...snow...!

I made it through the storm! (Hmm think that's a line in a song somewhere).  Well to be precise it wasn't much of a storm the 2nd time around.  Just a regular Orkney gale. But pretty windy nonetheless. Fortunately there doesn't appear to be any damage to the house. Charlie the barn cat is fine as are the hens. Think they are enjoying all their extra rations!

We did get a power cut for a couple of hours one day - er see picture below! Our power comes over from Orphir on the Orkney Mainland and one of the poles there snapped. (Our cable comes undersea and the overground again on the island).  We were extremely lucky to get it fixed in two hours as many places in Orkney have experienced power cuts.

Photo by Brian Kemp

We got off pretty lightly this time I think.  The Western Isles and the West coast of Scotland was hard hit, and some of the very North of Scotland too.  People were without power for DAYS!

Now it's turned colder and we have snow, but it's not really settling.  Snow is forecast for a few days but it's unusual to get snow staying long in Orkney - we're protected by the Gulf Stream.  So it will be gone in a few days if it settles at all.  I do love a snowy landscape though! Well as long as I don't have to battle through it! Farmers, of course, have to feed the livestock, whatever the weather. I think the gales brought more challenges for them all.

Thanks for all the good wishes and comments. I WILL get round to answering them soon. But we are still getting lots of thunder and lightning so don't want to have the modem on too long, just for work and to check emails.

Meantime - here is a link to some video shot by Alisdair Skene of waves off Yesnaby - really high cliffs on the West Mainland of Orkney!

And this is a compilation by James Grieve Photography of Orkney seas.

Be back soon - weather permitting!


  1. Glad to hear the storm wasn't as bad as predicted. Stay safe.

    1. We've been lucky so far though there have been some terrific gusts of wind that crack around the house somewhat alarmingly! I stay snug indoors at times like that!

  2. Goodness, that video of the waves breaking over Yesnaby cliffs is jaw-dropping! Glad you're all managing.

    1. It is isn't it! Even more so when you KNOW the cliffs. I'm sure you would have seen these on your visit.

  3. Sounds like winter proper with you. Temps have dropped a bit here (south coast of England) and high winds and lots of rain forecast this evening, but no real frosts at the mo. Stay warm and well :o)

    1. Think we are all being gripped by the icy blast that's travelling across the UK at the moment! Not much snow here, just flurries, but it's been quite icy and very chilly.

  4. Glad to hear all is well with you and yours, and you weren't without power long. Hope Button is brave enough to go outside and take care of business quickly. Stay warm and safe.


    1. She's got it down to a fine art now! Quick out, shelter till I yell, then in again :-) Meanwhile I'm nice and snug indoors!

  5. That is a well snapped power pole. In my street all the cables run underground, however they get to here via power poles with overhead wires. I;m relieved that you are all fine.

    Today here was lizard free!!!

    Michelle and Megs, sending xxxx and purry head-butts

    1. So pleased to hear from you. In many places in the UK the cables will run underground, and even where overgroud the power companies are tryng to bury them. But doubt they'll ever get round to it on Graemsay! And glad to hear you are lizard free!!!
