
Tuesday 6 January 2015

Approaching storms.... it's that time of year again!

Darker = windier. Orkney is under the brown blob!
Like most coast dwellers I check the weather forecast a bit obsessively when storms are forecast.  At the moment we are forecast TWO! One begins tomorrow and goes through till Friday, with a small respite before an even worse storm hits.

It's all the fault of the jet stream apparently! Bringing in the weather "lows".  There are a multiplicity of online weather reports but I tend to stick with our local Harbour weather and a couple of online ones - Magic Seaweed and Windfinder (ha!).  Both those sites are geared up for surfers. Don't suppose there will be many of those about for the next few days...then again.....

Friday morning there may be gusts of 70 knots, that's just over 80mph, with the average wind speed of about 57 knots (65 mph).  The gusts are the worst I find. Rattling the whole house. At least these storms are mostly during the day.  Doesn't seem *quite* so scary during the daylight...

But Saturday's storm looks a monster with the wind speed expected of 57 knots (68 mph), and gusts of 74 knots - over 85mph which rages on into Sunday.

I'll have to try and leave loads of food for the hens and Charlie the barn cat, and hope they can manage with less regular visits.  Goodness knows what Button will do for her necessary trips out...she refuses to use a litter tray whatever the weather.... might be a case of crossing her legs!!

So.... if you don't hear from me for a while it might be because we lose power, or broadband.... I may be gone some time.....


  1. Good luck, it's certainly looking a bit scary...


    1. Mmm it's been quietish all evening and I kept thinking "Maybe they've got it wrong" but the winds getting up now...

  2. Hello and Happy New Year! I stumbled onto your blog and love it.

    Batten down the hatches,
    Lorraine from near Chicago, IL

    1. Thanks for taking time to comment! Hope you enjoyed your visit :-) Thanks for the good wishes.

  3. May you stay safe and the storm pass quickly!!! Joyce

  4. Yes, batten down the hatches! Keep safe and keep warm. With it being that windy, you may want to get some rope and belay Button to something when she goes outside so she won't blow away! We're having our share of storms here in the states -- bitterly cold weather and snow over large swaths of the nation. It's even supposed to snow Friday here in Texas -- again.

    1. Yes I know you're also having extremes of weather! Always a challenge! Must be so weird to have snow in TEXAS!?

  5. The storms don't sound too good, stay safe.

    1. Thanks, I'm hoping all will be well - the house has stood over 100 years so fingers crossed!

  6. Sending good thoughts your way! Take care!

    1. Thank you! And thanks for taking time to comment :-)

  7. Yes, be safe and keep warm. We are in the middle of a deep freeze here in Nova Scotia.

    1. Oh good grief and your deep freezes are SERIOUSLY deep freezes! You take care too!

  8. Think of you and Bottom and the hens..! Hope you' re keeping safe in the storms!
    Here ( in the northmiddle of germany) we are "waiting" for three storms - but I think they will be in no way so strong as far north! Good luck!

    1. Oh dear - hope you are able to keep safe too. Storms of any kind are not pleasant.
