
Monday 16 March 2015

Promise of Spring

There have been some wild, windy days, and more rain, but these are interspersed with bright sunny days that remind me Spring is NEARLY here......

A walk along the shore on the coral beach bring joy anytime, but especially in the sunshine and with Button!

And the air is beginning to be filled with the sound of the sea birds returning, lots more oystercatchers ( who don't catch oysters!) with their bright eyes and orange bills, plus a wee Sanderling hanging out with his/her bigger pals.

And some ringed plovers plus another Sanderling

They were all sitting on the old Sandside pier

Button waits patiently while I take photos.... this old building is perilously near the edge, one Winter storm will no doubt pull it onto the shore in years to come.

Over  by the Manse the ewes are being fed....

Meanwhile the tide is coming in.... Lots of seaweed washed up through recent storms.  Stromness in the distance looks like a tropical island! In fact it's the Orkney Mainland - the largest island in Orkney [yes I know we call it Mainland, to those of us in Orkney it IS!].

And back at the house and garden, things are growing again!  Willow buds coming on...

Crocus blooming among the daffodils (yet to bloom)

Dwarf daffs among the bare willow branches

And "home" looking good in the sun, with Ginger, the cockerel enjoying the rays, and the willows coming into bud.


  1. I always find it amazing that your cat goes on a walk with you. You have a beautiful house and live in a gorgeous area.

    1. Yes I'm really lucky to live here. Button loves to come for a walk. Some cats do apparently. My other cat most certainly didn't. He was afraid of his own shadow, but Button is very curious and doesn't want to miss out on anything!

  2. Such a stunning place to live, a beautiful home and Island. Spring is definitely on the way.

    1. Yes I'm very lucky to be living here :-)

  3. Lovely photos of your part of the world, as always. I'm so glad that spring is on the way!

    1. Thanks, and thanks for taking the time to comment :-) Yes I'm delighted Spring is here!

  4. It looks lovely where you live. Where I am (Glasgow) it felt like a November day unfortunately. But luckily, signs of spring are everywhere. Our cat comes out for walks just like yours. She likes walking the dog, always a metre or two away just to be on the safe side. I am going to explore your blog now, I am new to here.

    1. Welcome to Graemsay! Thanks for taking the time to comment too. The weather has been very mixed for the last few weeks and today has been cold and wet - again. But Spring is surely on the way:-)

  5. Sigh ... what a lovely spring you are having. Check out what we are going through here in Nova Scotia. We are enduring our second storm this week. Worst winter in memory here. Housebound and going stir crazy. I wish I lived on your lovely lil' island.

    1. Trying to send some Spring sunshine your way!! I know how you feel being housebound and stir crazy. I hate it in the winter when the wind howls for days and I can't get out...ugh....

  6. Such beautiful photos of your unique little island, Sian. I hope spring is fully with you by now.
