
Friday 17 April 2015

A quick trip to Stromness....

It's been the most glorious day again today. A bit chilly first thing but then the sun warmed everything up.  The sunset has now reached the back of the house so I know Spring is well and truly here!  I'm hoping to do a bit of gardening tomorrow, though I need to work most of the day. But when the days are so good it's a shame to be indoors!  Button is loving basking out in the sun!

As you can see in the photo above, the sea was flat calm today. The Hoy High lighthouse on the left, and in the distance the town of Stromness, with the Hamnavoe ferry [the white blob on the right] still in the harbour.  Meanwhile big fluffy white clouds hovered over the sea...

And someone was out in a VERY small boat. However calm it was, you wouldn't get me on the sea in a boat THAT small!

The seals were out sunbathing too...

And the fulmars are settling in along the shore for the breeding season. I love the fulmars, and the way the skim the waves and sea. But you don't want to get too close to their nesting site and upset them as they spew a horrid fishy smelling oil to warn you off and it is horrible! (So obviously it works!)

While in town I went to the Pier Arts Centre, a number of the primary schools had work exhibited. It's great that the children get the opportunity to have their work on display in a public gallery. It's a great exhibition space and the Pier Arts does it's best to encourage all local artists young and older, as well as bringing in world class art.

This one was fun, an animation, where the Princess (of course, sigh), was kidnapped by pirates...who arrived in a taxi? hee hee!

And a beautiful calm evening to sit and watch the sunset...

And then this evening the most stunning sunset again.

The Hamnavoe sailing back to Stromness....

The boat looks like a bug!

And the sun slips into the sea...


  1. Great work by the students! Congrats to the gallery for showing it and encouraging the kids. Your photo of the ferry and the sunset is spectacular.

  2. Mmmm, Graemsay sunsets. :-) Like Mary, i admire the gallery for showing the children's work so beautifully. How exciting to see your picture up there on the wall like a grown-up artist.

  3. I love the kids' art exhibit. We still have a picture Jeri drew in kindergarten, which was on display at the Oakland Museum, on display upstairs. She'll be 50 next year!

  4. A wonderful gallery to show children's work and give them so much encouragement. Beautiful sunset.
