
Wednesday 1 July 2015

Buttercups and sunshine....

It's July and summer is here!  Well, it was this morning!  There are rain showers this evening, but fortunately I had my camera with me when I was out and about so here are some pictures of Graemsay in the sun!  The buttercups are looking beautiful at the moment. Probably as a result of a very wet Spring and so-far-Summer! Click on the picture above to make it bigger (and the others).  You can see Sandside and behind it the Hamnavoe ferry setting off for Scrabster, and on the right, the Graemsay ferry heading into Stromness.  And - um - this is the "main road" on Graemsay that we are on. Single track with no passing places!

And here is a field of buttercups, looking across to Sandside bay

And the coos and calves in this field are enjoying the sunshine on their backs and finally being able to eat grass again. Many of the cattle have had to be kept in as the ground was too wet to put them out. It's been pretty desperate with some farmers running low on feed for their stock in the byres.  But most are now able to put animals back onto the land.

And this looks over to the old croft house of Moan, and in the haze is Orphir on the other side of water.

Meanwhile many of the plants in my walled garden are enjoying the warmer days too. I mostly plant perennials in the garden as shrubs just don't seem happy weathering the winter storms.  And who can blame them!  Here are a couple of photos of the borders.  Still taking time for the colour to appear on some of the plants.

In the corner here is a table with containers full of seeds, including carrots!  I'm testing the theory that carrot fly can't fly this high...though they may be jet propelled with the wind!

So first we have the columbines (aquilegia). I love these in all their many varieties..... These remind me of Victorian ladies in their bonnets...

This lady is wearing a VERY posh bonnet!  Er....some wee flies seem to approve too!

Perhaps Madam would prefer it in blue and white? It seems to attract fewer flies?!

And these pom pom ones are rather jolly (Columbines again)

And speaking of pom poms  -scabious!  Just starting to come out... I have several...

I'd like to say today ended with a beautiful sunset, but it won't (sunset not for another hour-ish yet) as there is grey cloud.  However, here is one I took earlier (ahem), yesterday I think....

So I hope you enjoyed your wander in the sunshine, and the flowers in my garden.  Hopefully there will be MORE over the summer!


  1. A lovely stroll in the beautiful weather, long may it last.

    1. Ha - well the weather didn't last but hey ho...

  2. Your Columbines are so pretty, I have never seen this variety, must like your climate, what a pretty life you have there!

    1. I just love Columbines. They really are very pretty and delicate yet so strong... and they self seed around the garden which is a delight. Loved your blog too!

  3. I love your summer photos. Your flowers are beautiful!

    1. I just love flowers. Most have "gone over" now but still some to come.

  4. So lovely! I wish I lived there!

  5. I do love living here, but Winter can be long and dark....sigh... but I make the most of the summer!
