
Saturday 26 September 2015

Gardens in Orkney - Part 1

I even spotted a damsel fly near this pool
Many parts of the UK have "Open Garden Weekends" when owners of private houses open their gardens to raise funds for charity.  For the last few years Orkney has joined in too, raising funds through Scotland's Gardens for a variety of charities, and 40% goes to the charity "Friends of the Nuro Ward" at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary.  So during June I happily wandered around being nosey in other people's gardens!

Now, Orkney is often considered to be "treeless", which is not so, but given the low lying land and the wind and salt spray most gardeners find the conditions challenging at the best of times, as of course do the plants!  But gardeners are an optimistic lot and here are some photos of some beautiful creations by those who didn't give up!

Firstly we start in Stromness, set back from the sea but still suffering from the gales that blast the landscape 9 months of the year!  David Walker started his garden in 1/2 an acre of a pony paddock. I'm guessing the pony got rehomed!  He did all the stonework himself. The garden is also on a slope so not the easiest piece of land to turn into a garden.

I love the detail

I love this! I want one!

And this one too!

Borders and flowering hedges too

And not a weed in sight!

I love how the plants colonise the wall
And in the woodland area some toadstools for the fairies!

There were lots of "rooms" within the garden

I want the summer house!

And through the trees is Graemsay!

In the next post I'll take you through to Finstown to look at another couple of lovely gardens!


  1. This is the work of a master at gardening, I admire it. I like the plants colonizing the wall and those odd stone beehive looking sculptures.

  2. Lovely gardens and open spaces. Thank you for sharing these pictures.

  3. Quite inspirational, a beautiful garden.

  4. Oh how I'd love to visit your lil' part of the world.
