
Sunday 20 December 2015

A December walk on the beach.....

With Button, of course!

We were both being watched..... this inquisitive seal was lazily floating very close to the shore.

The weather in recent weeks has been changeable.  We've had a cold spell, but generally it's still very mild for the time of year.  There has been a dusting of snow on the top of Ward Hill on Hoy though.

You can just see the cairn on the summit. One of many (cairns...not summits).

This was a lovely calm day but we've had raging gales and just generally wet and windy days too.

Orkney Mainland and Stromness harbour in the distance.

Button was watching a helicopter overhead.

Time to head home....

The hens were happy to see us...

I spotted a large barge in the Flow.  This had been in Stromness harbour for a while but had made a short trip into the Flow and seemed to be heading back to the harbour again.


  1. More lovely views!
    I received a calendar from Orkney the other day 'Island Blue Photography' and I have a feeling November 'small boar big sky' is very close to you!
    Happy Christmas.

    1. Ooooh I love the Island Blue range. Will have to have a look, not seen one this year. Happy New Year to you!

  2. You took us on a wonderful walk around, beautiful. Wishing you a Happy Christmas.

    1. Hope you had a happy Christmas and have a great New Year

  3. Hello :) I only wanted to tell you how much I love your blog. I'm following your posts since I found this site and I always enjoy your photographs and what you write. Your life is so different than mine and you live in a beautiful place, I like the feeling of calmness which I find in both your pics and your writings. I don't know how to explain, but thank you for letting us into your world, somehow. And I like that you write the stories about the place and how life is going there and about your celebrations and traditions and all. My favourite are posts from your walks, it's like going for a walk in a place that is far away from me.

    Really, I love returning here.

    Warm greetings from Poland!

    P.S. I'm a big fan of Button ;)

    1. Thank you so much Daga for stopping to comment! Welcome to Graemsay :-) Button is delighted to have another fan!

  4. You live in such a beautiful place. It looks so calm and peacefully there and at the same time fresh. I'd like to visit your place. Looks like a good place for rest.

    1. Yes it's all of those things and more. Though we are expecting storm force winds tonight so it won't be quite so restful and tranquil!

  5. Beautiful island, always. Button appears to be walking on air in the heading home picture. I didn't realize he was that talented.

    1. Hahaha yes an optical illusion - hadn't noticed that. Think she's a little to portly to do that now ;-)

  6. Envying you your lovely walk in the sunshine. ;) Your photos are, as always, so evocative.

    1. Hope you get some lovely winter days soon too and the rain goes away!

  7. Ward Hill looks inviting. The highest point on Orkney I believe. You might like it's the most isolated part of mainland UK. Best wishes. Mark

    1. Wow! Thanks for the link. I've been to the periphery of Cape Wrath but am no walker so looked from afar mostly. Love you blogs though. Have bookmarked them to read more. Thanks for leaving a comment and the link.
