
Monday 8 February 2016

Winter days....

The current weather system to hit the UK, Storm Imogen, is leaving the far North alone this time.  But we've had our fair share of stormy winds over the last few weeks. Including one that was localised do didn't get a name from the Met Office!  However I've been trying to get out and "take the air" every day, except when I can't stand up in the wind!  So here are a selection of photos taken over the last couple of weeks.  Naturally Button features too!

The photo above is the field below The Manse on Graemsay.  A neighbour's sheep are fed silage in the corner of the field.  Ward Hill on the next island, Hoy, makes a snowy backdrop against the green of Graemsay.

Though this was the view from the house for several days as high winds and rain lashed down....

The pointy blur is Hoy High lighthouse!

Stromness lost in the sea spray

But on the days we can get out, there are big dramatic skies.....

And some surf! The sea can get quite choppy in Hoy Sound but it's generally fairly sheltered, leading to the sheltered waters of Scapa Flow.  Oystercatchers having a bit of a rest. Stromness on Orkney Mainland in the background.

The shore around Sandside has been blasted by wind and waves for thousands of years no doubt. Any "soft ground" has long gone and each year a little more gets eroded.

A shower coming in from Stromness.  Time to head home!

Though round the corner it looks fair....

I love the stone around the beach - sandstone flags seen on many a croft house floor!  Nice stepping stones too.  Though can get slippy when wet.

Button took an interest in the calm waters.  Think she wants to take up fishing maybe?!

My little sea cat!

Um.... Button, don't look now but a sleety/hail shower is approaching!  I'd stop fishing if I were you and come home!

I mentioned big skies.... and approaching weather....

Can you spot Button?

And then it was home for tea and cake and to warm our toes!


  1. Lovely photos Sian. Thanks for a little look at your island life.

  2. Love that first photo and your amazing exploring cat !

    1. Hee hee they are my favourite photos too. Even after nearly 8 years she never ceases to amaze me or make me laugh :-)

  3. I've just had a good look at your splendid photos in the Blogger Lightbox and have come to the conclusion that you could never tire of your constantly changing whether as it means the landscape constantly changes too. As for Button the beach bum...;-)

    1. Oh I just love the ever changing landscape in all different weathers! It's never boring, though it can get a little frustrating when the windows are salted up and Ican't see out. LOL!

  4. Brave, brave Button....makes me nervous.... Fantastic pictures. I could look at them all day. I is neat to see the snow on the mountain and the green in the foreground. I am sorry your weather has been so miserable. I am even more sure now that our bad weather is carried across the ocean to you. I'm sorry. I like the beach rocks too. Your island is incredible. Thanks for all the pictures.

    1. I know she terrifies me! Glad you enjoyed the pictures. And yes our weather mostly comes across the Atlantic from the US. Our weather forecasts show us stuff happening particularly on the East Coast of the US as it will arrive in some form in the UK in a few days. Though usually it has lost it's "bite" by then!

  5. Well you certainly know the meaning of the word 'weather' in your part of the world! A very cold wind is howling through the wood again here in East Lothian, and the Lammermuirs are covered in snow once more, but there are carpets of snowdrops to cheer us all up! You have a very intrepid cat! What a brave little soul to go fishing with a squall on the horizon! Thank you for all the lovely sea views! A

    1. There's a saying (in most of Scotland I think, not just Orkney), if you don't like the weather, wait 5 minutes and it will change. It's like that today with bright sunny spells then heavy hail showers that hurt your face! Glad you enjoy the sea views.

  6. Imogen wreaked havoc here instead- £400 worth of damaged electrical goods! Love that photo of Button fishing. Is she the only cat in the world to be a sea cat? (apart from the Mousehole Cat, of course :o) ) x

    1. Oh no I'm sorry for the damage AND inconvenince. I haven't been keeping up with blog reading for a while but hopped over to see what had happened. Dramatic! Hope it's all sorted now. Love your blog. I'm travelling this week so hope to catch up! And I totally agree on the naming of storms. Pah!

      When I got Button a friend sent me the book of the Mousehole Cat, and I suspect Button read it after I went to bed....sigh...

  7. Wonderful images,what a super place,don't think I could ever tire of looking at the wonderful scenery.😊

    1. Oh I just love the scenery AND the weather - as long as I can look at the wildest of it from indoors in the warm ;-) Thanks for stopping by to comment :-)

  8. Nice blog you got here Sian :) I just love these kind of everyday stories and some good snaps to go with them.
    I've never been to Graemsay, but have seen it a few times from my short trips around the majority of Mainland Orkney. Looks like a quiet place to live, for sure.

  9. I too have lived in Orkney, in various places and now here I am dooon sooth :D I remember Jane and John Liptrot and started to read Amy's book via Amazon link. I hope to read it fully and appreciate that you shared that on your blog (not sure it was this page). I have wondered what Graemsay was like. A kind person gave us the responsibility of "Charlie" the pony and his cart. It later went to live on Hoy. I loved that kind hearted animal that took myself and the children to Stromness so willingly. <3
