
Tuesday 1 March 2016

March 1st = Spring (to me!)

In my family 1st March was always celebrated as St David's Day (Patron Saint of Wales) and the first day of Spring. Because frankly the Spring equinox is way too long to wait until!  My blogger friend, Perpetually in Transit, also thinks the same. Great minds etc :-)

As you can see above - the hens are laying again! A sure sign of Spring in my book! Two fresh eggs today, the first of the season.  Thanks ladies!

I was away last week visiting York in the North of England.  I work as a researcher for the University there and so make a trip to the research unit once or twice a year.  It's a chance to meet new colleagues, do a bit of workplace bonding, discuss stuff face to face and socialise a bit.  Though it has to be said most evenings I was back in my hotel room with a picnic from M&S Simply Food, and in my pyjams watching TV by 8pm!  Can't stand the pace. Haha!

One morning we had a a workshop at the city centre Kings Manor campus, which is made up of wonderful old medieval buildings.  The walk along the river and through the park was lovely and very Springlike too.  You can tell it's not Orkney by the size of the trees!

Meanwhile back in Orkney the weather over the last few weeks has been as changeable as ever. Some days I've been left to wander on my own while Button keeps her paws warm.....

We've had snow (it didn't last long apart from on the top of the hills).

And heavy showers that catch you unawares....

And bright sunny but cold days (I like those the best!).

Calm seas....

Low sunshine highlighting the contours of the landscape....

Shags hanging around together enjoying some sun on their  backs no doubt.

Can you see the line of shells in the earth?  This is thought by archaeologists to be the remnants of an old midden (rubbish dump).  The family would have collected shell-fish from the shore, these are mostly limpet shells, and thrown the empty shells into the midden.  It's getting exposed now as each year the sea erodes a bit more of the shore line.

And the remnants of an old wooden boat that was burned a few years ago. The tide throws shells and coral into the bottom..... The old nails holding on solidly still.


Big skies..... oh I love big skies....

Here's to more sunshine and big skies!


  1. I am with you on that one, sunshine and big skies.

    1. May there be plenty more of both this year :-)

  2. It's a good thing you love big skies, Sian, as yours are enormous. Super photos as always and thanks for the mention. :)
