
Tuesday 3 May 2016

Around Graemsay

Graemsay with the Hoy Hills in the background, and clouds!
Hmmm that should probably be called "Around a bit of Graemsay" Ha!  Anyway here are some photos taken other than outside my front and back mostly.

And this is the Hoy High lighthouse disappearing into the distance as I head on the ferry to Stromness.

And, completely out of sequence, here it is BEFORE I got on the boat, with Stromness in the background. The sign on a pole to the left of the lighthouse is where our electricity cable comes ashore, from over in Orphir on the Orkney Mainland. Yes I know there is a lot of sea in these photos but it's a lovely blue colour and oooh look - it's CALM!

And this is looking in the other direction towards Orphir and other islands in the distance.

A wee birdie silhouetted on a rock.... lots of birds around now that Spring is here!

And these are eider ducks. I love the noise they make, they sound really surprised with their "Ooooh"!  There are whole flocks of these around the shore now.

And the primroses are out!!! Yay!

This is on the East side of the island.  Looking towards Hoy.

I love these cliffs, covered in heather!

And, ahem, back to my doors again..... outside the front door.  Clouds choo-chooing along like a train.

And from the back door....sunsets!! Well A Sunset....

And a little closer......

Meanwhile Button wants to know what all the fuss is about and will I please come in and feed her as it is supper time....

Hope you enjoyed the wander about....


  1. Yes I certainly did, a lovely stroll.

  2. Are there words to describe the beauty of this landscape? I've never been to the Orkneys unfortunately but nevertheless I fell in love with this paradise (and with Madame Button also). Thanks so much for sharing these wonderful impressions with us and yes, I definitely enjoyed the wander about...

  3. The eider ducks are just practicing their Kenneth Williams impressions.

  4. Really lovely, thank you for sharing...Your blog brightens my day

  5. Hello Sian
    How interesting it must be living on an island!
    We've watched some wonderful TV programs that have touched on the Scottish Isles, I would like to see and know more about them!
    Wonderful photos today and the weather looks perfect out on the water.
    I've joined your band of followers!
    Shane from the Antipodeans - in far flung New Zealand!
