
Friday 29 July 2016

Rhubarb Cake!

OK I confess when I first heard about rhubarb cake I was skeptical. But.... I have a rhubarb glut (again) in the garden and a freezer already half full of the stuff (for jam etc) so was happy to try another form of use, and in my favourite form too....Cake!

So, I used this recipe from fellow blogger, NorqofOrk (click here).  Seriously it is SO easy to make and it turned out wonderfully - see photo above.  I did wonder if it would hold together as it is VERY lumpy and dry when you put it in the tin but it does! See photo below.

Yummy hot (I just tried it!), and apparently cold as cake (or dessert) and it freezes well.  Hmmm will have to bake another one to try THAT theory out! Ha!  And yes, if I'm baking and Cake I MUST be feeling better!!


  1. Rhubarb is apparently the no.1 natural cancer killer.

    1. All the more reason to eat more of it in cake then ;-)

  2. I love the idea of rhubarb cake, we seem to just use it for jams and crumbles.

    1. I'd never thought of doing it as a cake - but it is yummy :-) And freezes well.

  3. Glad you are feeling well enough to bake. I think the rhubarb here is long past, though I could be wrong.

    1. I've not had such a good crop this year but still plenty to freeze and bake with.

  4. Hello :-) just blog hopping over from Countryside tales. I love rhubarb, I make rhubarb and custard fairy buns. Add custard powder to the cake mix and some to the buttercream. Either add stewed rhubarb into the cakes AFter cooking before topping with your custard topping. Nom! I'm making your recipe tomorrow :-)

    1. Oooh that sounds like a good recipe! I'll make a note of that :-)

  5. Hi Sian.
    Cath sends her thanks for this as we also have a glut of rhubarb down here! After making jam and chutney she was wondering what to do with the rest! Yum. Glad to hear you're feeling better.
    Stuart & Cath

    1. I'm thrilled with the recipe! And apparently it freezes well. I've just made another one to go in the freezer. Enjoy :-)

  6. That is strange Sian, in Sweden we use the rubarb almost solely for pie and cake and seldom for jam or chutney. It goes so beautifully with custard or whipped cream...gooseberries is something I lack in my garden, the green ones and the purple ones, wonderfully sour and crispy and sweet. I hope the lavendershortbread turned out well now when you actually got round to it. Recipe???
    We went to pick raspberries , our own didn't last all that long. These are such blessed times, we are given so much !!

  7. That's interesting that you don't use it for jam or chutney. In orkney the jam is VERY popular! And yes it does go wonderfully with custard (my favourite) and cream. I wasn't that pleased with the way the shortbread turned out - it was underbaked I think. I'll try it again and maybe with my usual shortbread recipe. If that is ok I'll share it :-)
