
Tuesday 30 August 2016

Around Graemsay.... flowers...and sunset....

Above, heather on the heath, looking towards Hoy High lighthouse and Sandside. Orphir hills in the background.

The old Quarry..... damsel flies have been spotted here! Looking over the heather to the croft of Dean and towards the Hoy Hills.

So still and clear....

Grass of Parnasus growing nearby....

And Devil's Bit Scabious....

Looking up towards the old School (no longer in use), Cott of School (a wee ruin) and the School House - home to a family.

And back in the garden.... Button on the compost (weed) heap!

Or sitting on the warm flagstones....

Having a wee snooze (no wonder the seeds didn't germinate in this box!).

Or keeping alert!

More wild flowers in the garden. I sowed a patch of wildflower seeds in the Spring and they have done really well.

Wild cornflower


I love the way these have lined up!

A snap of part of the wildflower patch.

And in a change of subject..... Hoy High lighthouse is having a spruce up!  Hmm I wouldn't fancy being up on that scaffolding.  But Tommy Thomson, the last lighthouse keeper, used to paint the lighthouse using a bosun's chair.  Eeek!  That was before the days of "Health & Safety" then...

And a sunset at the weekend..... with the Hamnavoe ferry sailing out of the sunset, home to Stromness for the night.

And of course, Button has to come outside when I'm taking sunset snaps.  Can't miss out on any excitement!


  1. Thank you for your wonderful blog. I stumbled upon it earlier, but staying in Stromness fot the I've-lost-countiest time and soaking up information I met you again. And I'm sort of getting hooked now, yours giving such a good insight in an island life. Oddly, I haven't been to Graemsay yet (but stayed on Hoy once for a week). Might as well get there some time this week and add it to my collection of islands :). Maybe you wrote about it before, but I'd love to read about what it's like and how it feels to be an islander. How it compares to being a non-islander, which you might have been before yourself, and what it does to a human being. Of course in many ways we are all the same and equal, but it's just as well diversity that makes the world interesting. And this form of diversity interests me greatly! Warm regards, Marco from the Netherlands

  2. Hello Sian!
    I just love that cat of yours! Button is such a charming gentleman. The pictures are wonderful. My youngest was out walking this evening with a protective father by her side, taking some new pictures of autumn and late bloom. I'll have them up soon, can't keep pace with you!! Thank you for this quiet walk in your blessed surroundings!!

  3. So much beauty and so off the beaten track! Thank you for sharing your unique corner of the world.
    Andrea in Minnesota

  4. If Damsel flies have been spotted you might see Mr Tense creeping around with his camera!

  5. Beautiful photos! Button looks very much like my cat, Romeo, who is a 3 year old, green eyed black and white feline whom I have had since he was a kitten and brings me such joy. :)
