
Tuesday 20 September 2016

Still warm and sunny!

Apparently, meteorologically speaking it is Autumn. However in Orkney the temperatures are above average and the sun still shines.  I'll take as much of that as is available thank you very much!  Last year at this time fields were awash with water and there was a poor harvest.  This year looks set to be much better.  Anyway here are a few photos taken on Graemsay over the last few days.

The photo above was taken yesterday from my bedroom window - hence the reflections!  Some view - eh?

Clouds over the Hoy hills - no really there are hills in there somewhere!

Ah that's better...... loving the clouds in this photo....

Looking towards the mouth of Hoy Sound - Canada next stop....

And Warbeth on the right on the Orkney Mainland - the other bit of land to the entrance to the Sound.

And time to dabble among the shells and maerl (cold water coral).

And back in the garden - Stromness in the distance!

And finally a couple of sunsets.  The sun has moved to set behind Graemsay now. Sunset at 8pm.


  1. I do like these live reports on Graemsay ! You are making History, Sian, as the one and only source for all things Graemsay.

    By the way, I'm finishing my post, I'll publish this week or the next. Lots of images ©S.T. - all right with you ?


  2. I love where you live and all the photos you share.

  3. You are certainly blessed with stunning views, beautiful.

  4. Beautiful photos of the lovely place you live.
    The photo of the shells on the beach makes me homesick. I was raised in the desert and live here again but spent most of my life living next to the Pacific ocean. I miss walking the beach and looking at all the shells.

    cheers, parsnip

  5. Hello, Sian,

    So here you have the link to the Graemsay post in my blog; I hope there are no gross mistakes ... I will thank any correction. And you know how I grateful I am you allowed me to share some of your photos.
