
Thursday 29 December 2016

Christmas Party

A bit out of sequence but still.  A week or so before Christmas we had our island Children's Christmas Party.  Though the adults have to take full part as well too of course. Hee hee! So here are a few photos of that night.  Above - pass the parcel!  Overseen by Irene (she's a busy person at Christmas, what with the Nativity etc).

An older cousin tries to explain to a younger one that, well yes, you must pass the parcel along without opening it, but when the music stops you CAN open it...and the sweetie you find is YOURS!

And there is the flapping fish game, first one back "home" is the winner.  Fiercely fought this one....

And the little ones...

Two young cousins watch and learn....

Big sister explains to wee brother, how the game works...

And carefully watches over her brother in the egg and spoon race.

While a young lad wisely shares his sweeties with Granny.

And this rather chaotic looking photo is a game called "Musical Arms" - it's like musical chairs, but you need people to put an arm up (or not) and then when the music stops you grab an arm, and if you are "armless" you are out.  Years ago we had benches in the hall so couldn't play musical chairs, hence musical arms!

Then there is the balloon game - it mustn't touch the floor!

And the "snowball" game - you have to throw "snowballs" into the bucket. The team with the most snowballs in the bucket wins....

And then..... Santa arrives!  Irene supervises proceedings. (Told you she was busy!)

A young lassie gets a wee dog that walks and barks!

Two of the boys get racing cars....

...that stick to walls and have flashing lights!!

While another wee lad is happy to play with a digger....

So that was another fun night over on Graemsay.  There was, of course, also a buffet with cake..... !


  1. Wonderful. It takes me back to the village Sunday School Christmas parties of my Lancashire childhood. :)
