
Tuesday 27 December 2016

Graemsay Christmas Nativity, Carols and concert

The weather was too wild for us to venture forth on Christmas Eve for our traditional Nativity and Carol Service.  So we had it this afternoon instead.   Along with mulled wine and a mince pie or two!

Irene Mathieson, who used to be the teacher on Graemay some years ago, organised it as she has done for many, many years.  Here she is above left , striding forth to organise proceedings, while everyone gets settled.  I'll let you into a secret - the children are locked in the cupboard behind her. heehee... well not locked..... but still a bit Harry Potterish! We did let them out eventually AND they got mince pies...

Mary & Joseph in the stable, overlooked by two donkeys.

Mary looking very pleased with herself after the birth of Baby Jesus, a breech birth again this year. (He's in the crib, and yes he's a boy doll - we go for authenticity on Graemsay!).

Irene and Andrew accompanying us for the carols.

And the shepherds arrive with their flock (of 1 sheep and 1 cow, we also go for minimalism too).

Is it a sheep or a dog? Even the cow isn't sure.

Ah here is the Angel Gabriel with a proclamation to her siblings - er the shepherds.

A wee shepherd in contemplation while her "flock" had a nap.

Her "flock" wants a wee hug.

And then the three, yes THREE, kings arrive.  One is a little wooden in his acting....

And after mulled wine and mince pies.... to the concert...... James and his sister, Katie, along with cousin, Andrew, play a wee tune or two.

Katie on the cello! Hiding behind her music stand.....

Irene, Becky and Hannah on guitar

The Band!

It was a lovely afternoon after several days of hibernating.  Nice to chat to folk about their Christmas and enjoy the entertainment.  You did well, Irene, and all your actors and musicians!


  1. I always enjoy reading about and seeing photos of your island concerts. No lack of imagination. Well-done.
    Myra, from Winnipeg, Canada were we are digging out after a Christmas day snow storm that dropped (and blew around)30 cm of snow.

  2. 100 mph would be a hurricane here. Our windows rattled on the 25th and 26th but the winds were nothing like 100 mph. Button must have pretty strong haunches to withstand the gales for an hour. It's interesting to read about "ba.'" (I'm not sure how to punctuate that - and it's probably different in the UK than in the US.) At any rate, "ba" is what my 21 month old grandson calls me. The Graemsay Christmas pageant looks very well-done, with all the right elements along with some improvised originality, such as a wooden actor - as well as the children's interpretations of their roles, always the best part.
    Andrea in Minnesota

  3. I love your Christmas Pageant ... so great to see the community involved, even if some are a little wooden:)

  4. Having a huge catch-up, so reading without much commenting, but had to pop in to say how much I love your Nativity and concert every year. Irene does a wonderful job. :)
