
Monday 6 March 2017

Changeable weather

March weather was most definitely "changeable" with snow, hail, rain, gales and sunshine.  We had a couple of lovely days this last week, then a gale and some hail/sleet/rain.  But everyday we are nearer to Spring so I don't mind!  Here are some photos from the week....

The above photo was taken up by the Community Hall where we were having a meeting with one of our local Councillors and some council officials to discuss recycling on Graemsay.  Most of Orkney already has recycling facilities run by the local council.  But as we don't have a roll-on-roll-off ferry we have, so far, been without them.  But now a plan is afoot to create a stainless steel bin at the pier so that we can recycle cans, bottles, paper etc.

Anyway back to the view..... a bit closer and without the hydro (electricity) pole!

A dusting of snow on the Hoy Hills....

And on the ground around the house....

Meanwhile Button made the most of the sunshine indoors in the warm...

"I'm ready for my close-up Mr De Mille - just don't wake me up!" this comfortable, dear?

And the hens have some respite from their recent incarceration due to DEFRA rules.....


  1. Dear Sian! Lovely pictures, as always!! Yes, we've had our share of blizzards and bittercold wind. But we have croci coming up and the dafodils are getting on greatly!! Ms Button is a lovely cat, all I can say is that the rabbit in our garage has begun to point at the windows where he can see the sun and crave his outdoorcage. I'm glad recycling is at hand in your parts, here where everything is easy, people complain about how messy it is. But you hold your standards high on those small islands, good work!!

  2. How do I put the hens to bed? Well I tuck them into their little duvets and read them a story of course! LOL! Though more usually it consists of me going into the hen house, checking they are all present and correct on their perches, and putting some food out for them for the morning. In poor weather I'll shut their hatch so they can't go out till I let them. But in good weather and longer days I leave their hatch open so they get up when they please (about 6am at the moment) and go to bed when they please (around 7pm).

  3. Pamela Flanigan17 April 2017 at 04:15

    Great pictures and descriptions. I'm from the U.S. and have been to Orkney twice. Since then I've become unable to travel and enjoy visiting through blogs. Thank you.
