
Monday 17 April 2017

Big skies, chilly days...

Spring is definitely here with lots of new growth, and the fields greening up again.  The days are definitely getting longer too, with lovely light evenings.  But the temperatures are still quite low, about 7 to 9 degrees C, and a ground frost some mornings too!  But the skies are always big.... so here are a few photos of some of the dramatic skies we have had recently.  Above, clouds over  a sea of "white horses" at Sandside beach.

A bank of cloud behind the Hoy hills and above this old croft house.

The sun is hiding behind the clouds ....somewhere....

The sky is gloomy behind this old croft on the hill......

The sun peeping out again....

Some blue sky appearing.....

I love the lines in this photo

Hoy is under a duvet!

Looking out West....

Snow showers over Hoy at Easter!

And hazy sunny breezy days.....

High tide at the lighthouse!

And a couple of completely gratuitous photos of Button enjoying the sunshine!

Monday 10 April 2017

Still in Stromness!

Due to a new laptop refusing to speak to my phone it has taken me a while to get the photos onto my blog!  So some photos from a couple of weeks ago!  Still around Stromness.  A wander towards the South end....

Above, one of my favourite houses undergoing renovation.

And just a bit further along the street, I love this old door.  What stories it could tell of the hands that had lifted the door knocker, or put a key in the lock.....

I'm not sure of the story of the Antlers Upon The Shed!

Down one of the piers, looking towards the small tidal islands of the Holms.

Another pier...

The winch at the end to haul boats up....

I love the way the outlines of these buildings are staggered along the shore....

And in the window of one of the shoreside houses - a model "Alps" railway!

And at the same house - a Teddy Bear looking out to sea!

Yes another private pier along the shore....

Looking over towards the house on the Holms - it's for sale!

And for one heartstopping moment I thought Button had followed me down the street!  But no, here is one of the many "Stromness cats" that are happy to come and say hallo.....