
Monday 17 April 2017

Big skies, chilly days...

Spring is definitely here with lots of new growth, and the fields greening up again.  The days are definitely getting longer too, with lovely light evenings.  But the temperatures are still quite low, about 7 to 9 degrees C, and a ground frost some mornings too!  But the skies are always big.... so here are a few photos of some of the dramatic skies we have had recently.  Above, clouds over  a sea of "white horses" at Sandside beach.

A bank of cloud behind the Hoy hills and above this old croft house.

The sun is hiding behind the clouds ....somewhere....

The sky is gloomy behind this old croft on the hill......

The sun peeping out again....

Some blue sky appearing.....

I love the lines in this photo

Hoy is under a duvet!

Looking out West....

Snow showers over Hoy at Easter!

And hazy sunny breezy days.....

High tide at the lighthouse!

And a couple of completely gratuitous photos of Button enjoying the sunshine!


  1. Button is a cutie and your cloud photos are great, they look very fluffy especially in the third and fifth photos.

  2. Really enjoy the pictures of Hoy clothed in cloud. I would like to give Button a little tummy rub.

  3. Hi Sian I came to your lovely island some years ago for coffee and have never forgotten my visit. I'm overseas now - in fact writing this message from Timbuktu where I'm doing some work... love your blog. It really brings back magical memories of my visits to Orkney and the light,the sea air and friendliness of the Orkadianes. Enjoy your island as ever! Louisa

    1. I remember your visit very well! Lovely to hear from you all the way from Timbuktu! I was telling a friend about your book "Hearing Birds Fly" just the other day :-)

  4. And miss Button!! I love this blog too, Sian, the scenery is never boring and life on the small island seem to me a very good life!!! I could imagine a visit sometime, even without coffee!!
