
Monday 7 August 2017

A walk to the beach.....with Button

Button and I set off for a wander to the coral beach last week.   Button completely oblivious to the Hamnavoe sailing in....

Looking across the old Sandside "lighthouse" pier (used to haul the stones off barges to build both Hoy High and Hoy Low lighthouses).  Hoy hills in the distance and wonderfull clouds too!

Looking over to Orkney Mainland (Warbeth and Black Craig) and the mouth of Hoy Sound. Again amazing clouds!

"Why are we standing still this is supposed to be a WALK!"

The old building on the left leaning alarmingly!  And old piece of farm machinery also teetering on the edge!

Another view of Sandside beach, lovely sand. Oooh look at those clouds!

The remains of an old wooden boat that was burned on the shore a few years ago.  Nature reclaiming her....

Button exploring!

Another conflated panorama.  I like the effect though!

The water is so clear!

And back at the house, looking across to Stromness

Hope you enjoyed your wander with us.  Button had sloped off hunting by this time so no more photos of her on this walk!


  1. Beautiful! I never get my fill of seeing your beautiful island

    1. I'm glad to hear that! I often feel it's a bit "samey" asI don't wander far - but the changing weather and seasons add interest I hope!

  2. Thank you for always offering pleasure for my eyes.

    1. What a lovely comment. Thank you! And thanks for taking the time to comment too.
