
Saturday 30 September 2017

Down by the shore...

Above are two grey seals down at the shore.  They were completely unconcerned that I was nearby today.  Though I was using a zoom lens to take their pictures. One is shedding is a pup shedding its fluffy coat. It looks as though it has just unzipped its cardigan!  Or maybe he is a real selkie.

They were both just at the end of the old stone pier at Sandide.

Here you can see fluffy flippers!

There was a young cormorant on the shore too... or was it a shag? I get the two mixed up!

Looking across to Stromness....

I love these grass seed heads...

More shags/cormorants among the gulls....

A workboat heading into Stromness.  Wind turbines in the background - these are at the local water treatment works outside Stromness.

A flock of lapwings flew over....

And the remains of this old boat is being reclaimed by nature, softening the harshness of the burnt hull.

Hope you enjoyed the short walk today.  Button? Ah she was snoozling at home. Though she had been out for a short perambulation when the sun shone earlier in the day....

Friday 29 September 2017

August skies over Graemsay

Above just around sunset.....  Below - the panorama distorts the landscape but I love it anyway!

Sinking into the ocean just behind the henny house and off the tip of Graemsay....

There she goes for another day...

The Hamnavoe ferry sailing into Stromness for the night.

Cloudy skies above Hoy High lighthouse.

A car in the sky?!  An island car being winched off the ferry onto the pier.  We don't have a ro-ro service on Graemsay so everything is winched on and off the ferry or carried by hand. Someone's shopping near the pier steps there!

Glowering clouds bringing rain....

Rain and sun.....

Another atmospheric panorama!

Cloud over Stromness

Thursday 28 September 2017

This and that.....

Here are some photos taken at the end of August.  Although to be honest they could have been taken today - except today is cloudy and raining.... but it is still mild.  The difference is in the sound... the swallows have flown south for the winter, as have many other birds, such as most of the oystercatchers, the lapwings and other shore birds.  Even the gulls seem to have vacated Graemsay - or at least fallen silent. There are plenty of geese around and the barnacle geese should be arriving soon too.  There are still the sparrows and blackbirds around in the garden. And still plenty of bees foraging for honey. But there is a feeling the year is turning. above taken near the Graemsay pier, looking towards Hoy.

This one also at the pier, yes the water around Graemsay IS that clear! Lovely to swim in, if a little chilly!

Meanwhile on the other side of the island a very atmospheric sky...... This is looking over Burra Sound to Moaness on Hoy.

And a panorama of the Hoy Hills....

The fuschia and honeysuckle has done well in the shrubbery at the back of the house.

This is a new flower bed and the crocosmia "Lucifer" has flowered for the first time. I love the brilliant scarlet of the flower in the dusk

I had the best crop of strawberries for some years, largely due to the chicken netting being used to keep the girls OUT!  This is the last of them, but there have been several loads over the summer.

And this is a slime mould.  Euwww I hear you say.  I do think it is a tad sinister as it kind of moves along the ground - imperceptibly.  It's common name is scrambled egg mould as that is what it looks like, or dog vomit mould - ugh... I'll go with scrambled egg mould!  Lots of it around on the grass this year as it's been quite damp for a few weeks.

A cloud looming over Hoy High.....

A gratuitous picture of Madam Button snoozing...again!

And to finish the day, a lovely sunset, before the sun slipped behind Graemsay till the Spring.

Wednesday 27 September 2017

A trip to Stromness.

Back in August when I took a trip to Stromness there was low cloud/mist over the water. It was very atmospheric.

I love the little lanes leading to the pier. There are lots of these in Stromness. Each one different.

There are drawings carved into the flag stones around Stromness, I think it's something to do with a treasure hunt for the kids maybe? Perhaps I ought to find out and do it...

And I loved this deck chair in the window of the Quernstone shop in the street.  Buy it and you get to sit on Graemsay!!

And I popped up to a visit a friend who had a wonderful view over Graemsay and Hoy!  You can see the Hoy High light in the photo, and Sandside....

Tuesday 26 September 2017

Flying high.....

When I flew back to Orkney a couple of weeks ago the sun was shining and the sea was a beautiful blue, reflecting the clear(ish) sky.  There was a great view of South Ronaldsay and the linked South Isles (these are linked by the famous Churchill Barriers). It's now possible to drive to the tip of South Ronaldsay across all the barriers linking the islands (Winterstorms permitting!) so those of us on un-linked islands don't think of these as "islands".  But the communities ON the linked isles do remember a time when they were NOT linked and still have an "isles feel" in part - apparently.

I managed to take quite a few photos so thought I'd share them here.....  Above you get a clear view of the barriers....

As with much of Orkney South Ronaldsay is predominantly a farming community....

I love the reflection of the clouds on the water....

As you can see these islands are very low lying....

This is the island of Copinsay an RSPB reserve.

There is also a sea stack (in this photo I think) known as The Horse of Copinsay!

And in this photo there is a causeway to a small island that I think is called Hunda.

And another panorama of the isles...

So hope you enjoyed this short flight. Sorry no in-flight refreshments were served. Hee hee!

Monday 25 September 2017

A wee video for a rainy day...

Pouring with rain today so indoor jobs for me, and more snoozing for Button.  Came across this video and have permission to share from Psyonaa.  It's a lovely film shot this summer with one of those magic flying cameras and shows several of the wonderful sights across Orkney.

In order they are: the Kitchener Memorial, the tidal island at Birsay in West Mainland, known as the Brough of Birsay (pronounced "brock" rather than "bruff" as we would in England) and the lighthouse on the island, onto the Broch (Brock again) of Gurness, and the Ring of Brodgar, standing stones at Stenness and finishing with a lovely panorama. Running time about 7 minutes. Enjoy!

That end of summer feeling....

MV Graemsay sailing to the island
As I said yesterday, I was away at the beginning on September on holiday.  I had two House Elves staying to look after Button, Charlie the barn cat, and the hens.  They worked out a rota and seemed to enjoy Graemsay as an island adventure (they both live on the Orkney Mainland) with a bit of an island commute thrown in.  They were brilliant house elves, leaving the place tidier than I left it!  And goodies in the fridge and freezer including Cake!!!!

And some beautiful flowers.......

And beach finds......

And..... be still my beating heart!  An ENTIRE dish full of Groatie Buckies!!  These are real treasures... tiny cowrie shells.  One of the elves is a serious, serial groatie buckie hunter.  There were tales of elves with torches searching the beach at Sandside!!  In my entire 17 years on the island I have found 4..... This was from just a few days....sobs.... at least they were left for me to admire.... I'm like Golum with The Ring.... come here precious.....

Another friend bought me some Orkney chocolates from a new chocolate shop in Kirkwall, called The Mirrie Dancers (they are a Shetland based company I think).  They are divine and a lovely welcome home present....  They have an iridescence about them, just like the "Mirrie Dancers (Northern Lights) themselves.

As to Button's reaction to my return.......


I didn't have time to finish harvesting the broad beans before I went away.  These will be a bit past their best but I've got them in the freezer now and they will be fine in casseroles and stews over the winter.  Always feels satisfying growing a few things to eat.

The garden still has a bit of colour in it, and the new plants I have put in the borders have done well this season.

It was a tad breezy at the weekend..... as you can see these willows are "blowing in the wind".

And to finish, some blue sky and blue sea. Looking to Sandside from across the bay.....