
Monday 25 September 2017

That end of summer feeling....

MV Graemsay sailing to the island
As I said yesterday, I was away at the beginning on September on holiday.  I had two House Elves staying to look after Button, Charlie the barn cat, and the hens.  They worked out a rota and seemed to enjoy Graemsay as an island adventure (they both live on the Orkney Mainland) with a bit of an island commute thrown in.  They were brilliant house elves, leaving the place tidier than I left it!  And goodies in the fridge and freezer including Cake!!!!

And some beautiful flowers.......

And beach finds......

And..... be still my beating heart!  An ENTIRE dish full of Groatie Buckies!!  These are real treasures... tiny cowrie shells.  One of the elves is a serious, serial groatie buckie hunter.  There were tales of elves with torches searching the beach at Sandside!!  In my entire 17 years on the island I have found 4..... This was from just a few days....sobs.... at least they were left for me to admire.... I'm like Golum with The Ring.... come here precious.....

Another friend bought me some Orkney chocolates from a new chocolate shop in Kirkwall, called The Mirrie Dancers (they are a Shetland based company I think).  They are divine and a lovely welcome home present....  They have an iridescence about them, just like the "Mirrie Dancers (Northern Lights) themselves.

As to Button's reaction to my return.......


I didn't have time to finish harvesting the broad beans before I went away.  These will be a bit past their best but I've got them in the freezer now and they will be fine in casseroles and stews over the winter.  Always feels satisfying growing a few things to eat.

The garden still has a bit of colour in it, and the new plants I have put in the borders have done well this season.

It was a tad breezy at the weekend..... as you can see these willows are "blowing in the wind".

And to finish, some blue sky and blue sea. Looking to Sandside from across the bay.....


  1. Replies
    1. Yes it was! And the roses are still blooming!

  2. Welcome back! I expect Button is punishing you with indifference. One of our cats became very clingy when we came home from holiday, but the other one would sit with her back to us until we had grovelled adequately.

    1. Button, bless her, doesn't sulk so things were back to normal pretty quickly. She wanted a tad more attention for a couple of days then back to the usual routine. Though "indifference to humans" is probably her normal state anyway. Haha!

  3. yes, I also had a cat who would pointedly turn her back to me when I returned from a few days away. but, with such lovely and industrious elves looking after things, I might risk a few more days away. those chocolates look divine!

    1. It is very reassuring knowing there are people in the house when I'm away, and that Button will be well looked after. It was a wonderful bonus to find a freezerdrawer full of cake, and milk etc!
