
Wednesday 28 February 2018

A film around Orkney

This film was made by Ewan Dunsmuir, an Orcadian originally from Stromness, but now living in New Zealand.  He came home last year for the sad occasion of saying a last goodbye to his mother.  While he was here he made this poignant film and is happy for me to share it.  As he said "Orkney is for sharing".

The film is about 18 minutes long, so make a cuppa and enjoy.....

Tuesday 27 February 2018

From the island of Sanday....

This quirky film (only 6 mins) was filmed on the island of Sanday by Tony Mills on one of his visits to his home island, Sanday, one of the more northerly islands.

Hope you enjoy it!  Click here

Monday 26 February 2018

A night "at the pictures"!

When I was a kid we always said we were "going to the pictures" (cinema). Last Friday the "pictures" came to us!  Mark Jenkins of West Side Cinema, a community cinema in Stromness, had some funding and has been able to bring a film out to two or three islands that have no cinema and don't have easy access to one.

Our main cinema is in Kirkwall, known as the "Picky" but really the Pickaquoy Centre.  Often films don't fit in with boat times so it means an overnight stay making it a rare occurrence to go to the pictures.

Many folk on the island use film streaming sites such as Netflix and have big tvs with all the bells and whistles.  But it's still nice to go along and communally watch a film.

The film that West Side Cinema had chosen for us was "Hunt for the Wilderpeople"  A New Zealand film from 2016.  It was an ideal film that appealed to old and young alike.  I had to look away at a couple of gory bits but still thoroughly enjoyed the film.

It was a short night as the folk from West Side Cinema had to get the 9.45pm boat back to Stromness, but it was fun and something a bit different for the island.

We have a projector, laptop and screen ourselves so we might look at trying to find a way to be able to show films - cost is the main stumbling block as films and licenses can cost quite a bit and with so few folk it's just not feasible.  But maybe we can sort something out.

Meanwhile a jolly good night was had by all on the island - again!

Sunday 25 February 2018

Lost in the mist.......

No not Brigadoon, but Graemsay in the mist.  Hoy High lighthouse and Sandside looking very ethereal or "Turneresque" in the mist. 

The above photo was taken about 5 years ago by neighbour, Sue, at Gardon. I probably shared it back then too but I think it's worth re-sharing and there are quire a few new folk to my blog so I hope you all enjoy it.

Life is a bit full on at the moment so apologies for not responding to comments.  I will try and catch up with myself!

Tuesday 20 February 2018

Sail to Stromness.....

It was a gorgeous morning the other week when I took a trip to Stromness.  Sunrise in the East above....

Casting a rosy glow and shadow on the Hoy hills.....

And Hoy High lighthouse standing bright, with Sandside in shadow.

Monday 19 February 2018

Low tide and rainbows....

Lovely sunshine Saturday above left, and below right at the same time a rain shower and rainbow!

And a low tide down by the old lighthouse pier!

Of course after a day perambulating around the shore Madam Button has to catch up on her sleep!

The next few pictures were taken over the last week when we had sleet/snow/hail showers as well as windy days!  But also clear skies!

Lovely sunset!

Snow on hills

Light dusting of snow on the Hoy Hills

And Button and the girls out enjoying the sun!

Sunday 18 February 2018

February sunshine

The last couple of days we have had some lovely sunshine. It really lifts my spirits and makes me feel like Spring really IS round the corner!

Button and I went for a walk to the shore today.  I was hoping to search for groatie buckies (shells) but having Button along is a bit like having a toddler with you.  She is bored quickly and wants to keep moving!  Anyway we enjoyed a potter along the shore.  I came home for a cup of tea and she headed off to the other beach.

Button on the alert!  Er.... don't jump!

The natural swimming pool looking wonderful if a little chilly!

Calm reflections.... and clear shallows.....

Don't get excited - it's an old wheel poking above the water....

Lots of tangles (seaweed).  Looking over to Hoy.

I love days like this!

Clouds, blue sky, stillness.

Crocus poking above the ground ready to flower!

And this morning a beautiful patterned sky!

Monday 12 February 2018

RNLI Longhope lifeboat

This film was made by a German crew about the RNLI Longhope Lifeboat some time last year I think.  It's available to view for a month.  The commentary is in German but if you click on the arrow in the top right corner of the film you can select EN and get English subtitles.

The film is 44 minutes long but well worth watching to learn about the brave volunteers that help those in danger on the sea.  If you follow my blog regularly you'll remember that we have them over in November to help raise funds for the station.  In the UK the Royal National Lifeboat Institute is a charity, and all the crews are volunteers, putting their lives at risk to save others.

RNLI Longhope Lifeboat film

Sunday 4 February 2018

February and the sun is shining!

Whoo hooo! It was a joy to be outdoors today. It was a cold and frosty morning but the sun was shining and NO wind!  I've been battling a virus for the last week and today was the first day I felt "human" again.  I didn't have enough energy for a walk but it was lovely standing in the sunshine drinking and cup of tea and seeing Button and the hens enjoying the sun - and there was even some warmth in those rays! I think I can believe Spring will come again now....

A bit of a panorama. There was a slight mist hanging over the land in the morning....

And the hens enjoyed being out in the sun rootling about too.

And Button just LOVED the sunshine!!

And all the girls were out today.....

The weather has been lovely for a couple of days now.  Here are some pix from Friday....

Looking over to Sandside from Garson.

There was a gale last week and I now need to clean the salt covered windows!!

And Button didn't want wet paws so she enjoyed the sun from the doorway....

And of course some lovely late afternoon skies as the sunset.....