
Sunday 18 February 2018

February sunshine

The last couple of days we have had some lovely sunshine. It really lifts my spirits and makes me feel like Spring really IS round the corner!

Button and I went for a walk to the shore today.  I was hoping to search for groatie buckies (shells) but having Button along is a bit like having a toddler with you.  She is bored quickly and wants to keep moving!  Anyway we enjoyed a potter along the shore.  I came home for a cup of tea and she headed off to the other beach.

Button on the alert!  Er.... don't jump!

The natural swimming pool looking wonderful if a little chilly!

Calm reflections.... and clear shallows.....

Don't get excited - it's an old wheel poking above the water....

Lots of tangles (seaweed).  Looking over to Hoy.

I love days like this!

Clouds, blue sky, stillness.

Crocus poking above the ground ready to flower!

And this morning a beautiful patterned sky!


  1. Glad to see that spring is on its way to Graemsay! Still full summer here in Sydney, as the sunburnt leaves on my hydrangeas will attest. 🌞

  2. That last cloud formation is a "mackerel sky" -- a harbinger of rain, I'm afraid --"Mackerel sky, mackerel sky. Never long wet and never long dry"

  3. What a great looking sky. Just read the previous comment, and learnt something new.
