
Tuesday 10 July 2018

Midsummer sunsets.....

July is galloping along and I'm trying to keep up amid work on the house (decorating etc), work, visitors and other fun distractions.  The Summer in Orkney keeps on giving warm bright days with no rain (though today is misty).  Of course farmers are concerned about lack of water for crops etc and even my garden grass is turning brown! It was formerly a field so is pretty hardy but struggling in this dry spell.

Anyway back to the long summer days.  The photo below shows how the sun travels (well OK it's the planet but still) across the sky from mid-winter to mid-summer.  The sun on the left (not to scale!) is where the sun sets in mid-winter, the one in the middle is where it sets in mid-summer, and the one to the far right is where it rises in mid-summer. Well it rises a bit further right but roughly there.  And where does it rise in Winter?  Behind me!

So day length in mid-summer is 18 hours 29 minutes and 49 seconds (sunrise 03:58, sunset 22:28) and in mid-winter is 6 hours, 11 minutes and 3 seconds (sunrise 09:04 and sunset 15:15).  Now you know why I love the summer days!! (Click to zoom in!)

And a couple more gratuitous sunset photos....

And one from the other night...


  1. Its been a glorious summer so far for nearly everyone. Beautiful sunsets.

    1. I know it is just extraordinary that it has been mostly UK wide! Usually there is a North South split with the weather (generally as a result of the gulf stream) and one or other gets the better weather.

  2. Lovely photographs, as usual!

    1. Thank you! Hard to take a bad one with this scenery :-)
