
Sunday 26 August 2018

Greenwich, London...

Update on foot:  Good news is there are no broken bones (this is good news as I have oseteoporosis). Not so good news is I've damaged the soft tissue (ligaments, tendons, muscles etc) which can take as long as broken bones to properly heal.  The better news is that I don't have to wear the boot all the time, as long as I wear a bandage on said foot.  So indoors I'm moving about better.  At the moment when outdoors I still wear the boot, but hope to discard that as foot gets better.....

Anyway back to when I was in London. Despite having a gimpy leg and wearing a boot, I did get out a couple of times as I was keen to see how I did in the "real" world...

So here are some photos of one of my favourite places.  Greenwich, in South London.  The Royal Observatory - home of Greenwich Mean Time!

This is a 24 hour clock showing Greenwich Mean Time (we are currently an hour ahead of that as we are on British Summer Time).

The architect of the observatory buildings was Sir Christopher Wren....

Mum and Dad used to take me here as a child.  Loved the observatory in particular....

And here I am on the famous Greenwich Meridian line where East meets West... my feet in each direction - of course!

And the view is wonderful.  In the centre is the Queen's House (not "our" current Queen.....).  See info here.    The architect was Inigo Jones....  London Docklands is the backdrop to the older building...

Closer view....

And to the left the high rise buildings of the city of London with the Shard, Walkie Talkie Building, the "Gherkin" etc and the bend in the River Thames.....

And to the right of the Queen's house is what I knew as the "Millennium Dome" built for the 2000 Millennium, but now renamed the 02 arena

I was staying fairly nearby with friend, Anne.  She has two cats that are quite adorable (don't tell Button).

Nixie....... um.... I was eating a tuna sandwich.  Anne is vegan.... he's not used to proper food being in the house. LOL! He soon found I was a soft touch!!

And his brother, Ollie.... aka Six Dinner Sid.....

And I had all the necessities near at hand...chocolate....biscuits.... TV remote... frozen peas for ankle!

And very tame "wild" life outside!! Urban foxes were around early in the day waiting to be fed by a neighbour....

I'm hoping I'm a bit more mobile on my next visit!


  1. All the best with the foot healing. I love Greenwich, and the one foot either side of the Meridian shot is almost compulsory.

    1. Hahaha yes there was a queue to take that photo. LOL!

  2. I followed your link on the Queen's House and see it is now a maritime museum. I would like to visit it as I love the Patrick O'Brien series of novels on the seafaring captain Jack Aubrey. I am glad your foot is healing.

    1. Yes it is! It's a wonderful building. The whole area is so full of history it's a lovely place to visit. Cutty Sark nearby too (old tea clipper).

  3. How novel! The foot note was at the beginning!
